Throughout the Bible our Father God is constantly reminding us to be aware of the choices we make, because our choices have the potential to impact many lives through countless generations.
Our Kids WRAPs were born from a heart of being passionate about impacting the lives of our W@W moms and spiritual moms for the growth of God’s kingdom for the next generation. These monthly WRAPs are put together in a way that young children will easily understand the message of the Gospel and it creates a perfect opportunity for parents or carers of young children to open a door of discussion on the Biblical topic for the month.
Be sure to subscribe to receive your monthly KIDS WRAP.
W@W Kids WRAP 50E
Prayer – The Armour of God helps us to stand firm against the enemy. The final part of this armour is Prayer. We should pray every day, we can pray alone or with others, and we can pray anywhere, and at any time. Prayer is a powerful gift from God, so let us pray without ceasing as we trust God for answered prayers. “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18)
W@W Kids WRAP 50A
Gebed – Die wapenrusting van God help ons om vas te staan teen die vyand. Die laaste deel van hierdie wapenrusting is gebed. Ons moet elke dag bid. Ons kan alleen of saam met ander bid, en ons kan enige plek en enige tyd bid. Gebed is 'n kragtige geskenk van God, so laat ons bid sonder ophou terwyl ons God vertrou om ons gebede te verhoor. “Doen alles deur gebed en smeking. Laat die Gees julle elke keer in die gebed lei. Bly in alle omstandighede op julle hoede en bid vir almal wat aan God behoort.” (Efesiërs 6:18)
W@W Kids WRAP 49E
The Sword of the Spirit – The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. It is a powerful weapon, as it helps us to fight to overcome temptation and stand against the lies of the enemy. God’s Word is the only truth we can rely on, and this TRUTH will set us free and help us live according to His will. “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17)
W@W Kids WRAP 49A
Die Swaard van die Gees – Die swaard van die Gees is die Woord van God. Dit is 'n kragtige wapen, want dit help ons om te veg teen versoekings en om vas te staan teen die leuens van die vyand. God se Woord is die enigste waarheid waarop ons kan staatmaak, en hierdie WAARHEID sal ons vrymaak en ons help om volgens Sy wil te lewe. “En neem aan die helm van verlossing en die swaard van die Gees — dit is die woord van God...” (Efesiërs 6:17)
W@W Kids WRAP 48E
The Helmet of Salvation – The Helmet of Salvation is all about our deliverance and redemption that is only found in Jesus! We need it because we are all sinners who need saving, and it is only through Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross that we can be saved and protected from the sin in our lives. We are forgiven of our sins, loved and accepted just as we are, and because of Jesus, we have the promise of eternal life. The enemy cannot ever steal that away from us! “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17)
W@W Kids WRAP 48A
Die Helm van Verlossing – Die Helm van Verlossing gaan oor ons redding en vrymaking wat ons slegs deur Jesus kan ontvang! Ons het dit nodig omdat ons almal sondaars is wat gered moet word deur Jesus en Sy offer aan die kruis wat ons beskerm teen sonde in ons lewens. Ons is vergewe van ons sondes, geliefd en aanvaar net soos ons is, en as gevolg van Jesus ontvang ons die belofte van ‘n ewige lewe saam met ons Vader God in die Hemel. Die vyand kan dit nooit van ons af steel nie! “En neem aan die helm van verlossing en die swaard van die Gees — dit is die woord van God...” (Efesiërs 6:17)