There is no cost to register and to become a member of an W@W Online Group. Depending on the study, you may need to acquire the assosiated study book, sourced by our W@W Family Friends and Partners. Alternatively you’ll receive a link to download a free study workbook. Visit our Resources Page to order a study book.
There is no other! Our Father God is Lord of lords, King of kings, our Maker, our Provider and our Protector. He was and is and is to come. He is almighty, omniscient, and all powerful. This online study is based on Esté Geldenhuys’ book, “Laat U naam Geheilig word”.
During this series we’ve discovered our Father God in a new way, which awoke a desire to walk intimately with Him. Our Father God is who He says He is… He is faithful, gracious, loving and kind. He is the GREAT I AM. He wants the best for us and cannot wait to have an intimate relationship with us.
The packaged series will be available soon via download, order and podcast version. To get notified of the release dates, subscribe to our communication list below or contact us at
We would love for you to join one of our groups, register now!
In this online series, Esté Geldenhuys teaches us 8 practical steps towards restoration of relationships. In this interactive study, you will learn how to change your heart, forgive others and restore hurtful relationships.
This study is broken down into seven interactive sessions. The group comes together, online, once a week on a Wednesday morning from 8:00-9:00am. Esté leads the first 30-35 minutes and helps us to work through the key concepts of relationship restoration. After which we end with a questions and answer interactive group discussion session. Read more…
We would love for you to join one of our groups, register now!
Have you ever felt there is no hope? No dreams, no plans for tomorrow, no future, just nothing! Psalm 107 speaks about circumstances that could lead to dark or hopeless feelings. In this online series, we unpack the circumstances in life that lead to difficulty, hopelessness and depression. We talk about choices and perception. We uncover how to get out of this darkness and bondage; and how to discover a free life in Jesus!
This online series is led by Retha de Villiers (Ambassador Revive Our Hearts SA). It is an interactive study, with teaching and facilitated discussions to unpack the truths from Psalm 107 and applying it to find hope in the midst of difficult times. Read more…
We would love for you to join one of our groups, register now!
In this study, we unpack six incredible Women of the Bible. As we review their lives and circumstances we pray that God will open new perspectives for us. We trust Him to help us use their lives as examples of how to live intentional God-first, Christ-led and Holy Spirit-inspired lives!
The Bible is composed of many stories of men and women and their relationship with our loving Father God. Learning from the lives of the women in the Bible is both valuable and uplifting. We gain knowledge and wisdom from observing their successes, and we glean insights in how to avoid their failures.
WOMEN OF THE BIBLE is broken down into six interactive studies. The special women that we study are: 1) Rebekah , 2) Abigail, 3) Widow of Zarephath, 4) Moms of kings, 5) Elizabeth, and 6) The Proverbs 31 woman. Read more…
We would love for you to join one of our groups, register now!
True Woman 201 is shaped around the ten key elements for Biblical womanhood as found in Titus 2. This study will shape your understanding of who you are in Christ and how to live out His gospel, practically. It will help you become who God created and called you to be!
The Lord wants to do a radical renovation of your heart, forming you into a godly woman from the inside out. If you let Him, He’ll give you an extreme makeover. And it doesn’t end there. God wants to use you as part of His makeover team to help others experience His grand interior design for their lives! Read more…
We would love for you to join one of our groups, register now!
This is a beautiful study based on biblical truths for womanhood. It provides a wake-up call and practical help to live life as a woman of God. The world’s brand of womanhood is being tossed off by thousands as they join a quiet counterrevolution. Dig into the heart of true manhood and womanhood, and discover the beauty, joy, and fulfilment of being exactly who God created you to be.
If you’re tired of clichéd advice, shallow caricatures, and cookie-cutter solutions, then this 12-week online Bible study with foundational teaching and insight from God’s Word by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is for you! Read more…
We would love for you to join one of our groups, register now!
8 Easy steps to join a W@W Online Group:
- Register – Go to to sign-up
- Order / download the applicable study book – Visit our Resources page
- Download the Zoom application. Once you have registered for the study, we’ll send you a meeting invite with the zoom details and a link to join the online meeting. For any technical questions, please contact us at
- Attend the weekly online group meetings (refer to the schedule / calendar in your W@W connect app)
- Participate in the WhatsApp / Facebook group discussions (once you have registered for the study, we will add you to the WhatsApp / Facebook group)
- Commit to really open your heart and let our Father God reveal himself to you throughout this study
- Make notes (use your STUDY WORKBOOKS / additional resources). We learn best through writing. Write down your first impressions, your questions (we’ll discuss these in our online meetings), consider what our Father reveals to you about Himself, summarise what you’ve learned in your own words (make it personal), and write a list of actions / thinking points (make it applicable and practical to your life)
- Share your learnings with others (this is powerful and a wonderful way to glorify our Father and advance His kingdom).
Learn more about our online groups here…
W@W Online Groups are all about Biblical womanhood. It’s about going back to God’s Word as our guide and the foundation of our lives. We have weekly, morning and evening, Afrikaans and English groups. All you need in order to join one of these amazing groups is a stable Internet connection, and a longing in your heart to learn more about our Father God’s perfect plan for your life.
Get connected and be part of our W@W family through one of our Online Studies or Series now! Read more here…
Register for the W@W Webinar and we will send you the recording after the webinar.
Click here to learn more on how to register for our next W@W Webinar. Watch our past W@W Webinars here. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at
Once your have received a W@W Webinar invitation, click on the REGISTER NOW button / link. Upon registration, you’ll receive an email with your special W@W Webinar ID. There are four easy steps to attending a W@W Webinar: 1) Register; 2) Ensure your device is connected to the Internet; 3) Click on the Webinar ID (link) received via email when you have registered; and 4) Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and let our Lord speak to your heart.
Click here to learn more on how to register for our next W@W Webinar. Watch our past W@W Webinars here. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at
W@W Webinars are about lives being transformed by the grace of our Father God, all to the glory of His name. A W@W Webinar is an online gathering via a platform called ZOOM. It’s free, and a once off registration link provides you with access to the event.
Upon registration, you’ll receive an email with your special W@W Webinar ID. There are four easy steps to attending a W@W Webinar: 1) Register; 2) Ensure your device is connected to the Internet; 3) Click on the Webinar ID (link) received via email when you have registered; and 4) Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and let our Lord speak to your heart.
Click here to learn more on how to register for our next W@W Webinar. Watch our past W@W Webinars here. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at
W@W WRAPs are released on a weekly basis. Please subscribe to our WRAP list to receive your weekly WRAP via WhatsApp or Email. Our weekly WRAPs are also available on Facebook and the Itunes podcast app. View our WRAPs here.
W@W WRAP = [W]eekly [R]ead [A]ct [P]ray
A W@W WRAP is a short weekly inspirational application of scripture. We start by reading a verse from the Bible. We then discuss practical application to your everyday life and end with a short prayer.
Our hope is that this short clip (podcast) and text will empower you to live a God-first, Christ-led, Holy Spirit-inspired life! View our WRAPs here.
We would love for you to participate in our online groups and we understand that sometimes, it’s difficult to meet ends. We would be honoured to help you where possible. Please write to us at
Please visit our online Resouces page for all W@W online group related study books and many more. You will find more information regarding the online groups and series on our Online Groups page. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at
However ordinary we are, when we speak to our heavenly Father, something extraordinary happens… Once you are registered as part of our W@W family, you will have access to our W@W connect app. There is a special dedicated tab for Prayer requests and Praise reports. Please submit your Prayer requests or Praise reports here. Our team prayers together on a weekly basis, as well as some of our team will be reaching out to you (if you give us permission to do so) and pray or give thanks with you!
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at
Please submit your prayer request or praise report via our W@W connect app. Once submitted one of our team will reach out to you via WhatsApp or Email and pray with you. You are most welcome to join our weekly prayer meetings, here is your invitation.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at
Click here to learn how to test or change your audio settings when joining a Zoom meeting or webinar. Click here to learn how to troubleshoot your video / camera settings. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Click here to learn more about the bandwidth requirements when joining a Zoom meeting or webinar. If you have any questions, please contact us at
We use a platform called Zoom to connect online. Click on the link to download Zoom, there is no other requirement. Once you’ve joined a group or registered for a Webinar, you will be issued with you Zoom ID. If you have any questions, please contact us at or watch this quick “how to” video on installing and running Zoom.
It is such a privilege to invite you to partner with us in our Father God’s work by using your gifts and resources to bless others.
There are 3 ways of giving:
- GIVE A BOOK: We would love to have enough sponsored study books to present them as a gift to our new online group members! Give here…
- GIVE SOME OF YOUR TIME: We need your help to share Biblical womanhood truths with many more women around the world! Are you interested in volunteering to inspire and equip women to understand their identity in Jesus and achieve their God-inspired potential? Contact us here…
- SOWING SEED: We love to sow back into our W@W family as far possible! Your financial support would enable us to serve and provide for the needs of the amazing women that are part of the W@W family. Donate here…