We believe in one eternal God, the Creator and Lord of all things. He exists in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent as our greatest gift from our Father God, to redeem us from sin and to defeat death. Through Him we now have hope and eternal life. We believe that the Holy Spirit inspires and equips us to live intentional lives aligned with God’s calling.
We regard the Bible (God’s Word) as our foundation and guide for living. We regard prayer as the core of our ministry, and therefore aim to maintain a consistent and active prayer life.
We are determined to authentically live out the message of Biblical womanhood, and of hope and light to a needy, lost and broken world. We are passionate about adding value, and love to see lives and relationships transformed. At the end, it’s all about doing life together to glorify our Father God and advance His kingdom!
Let’s seek our Father God first in everything and glorify Him with all that we are!
As family members of Women at Work Online Ministries (W@W) we are passionate about living God-first, Christ-led, Holy Spirit-inspired lives that are aligned with God’s calling. That to us means:
To represent our Father God in all we do. We therefore give our best in all we do as our greatest gift and worship back to our Lord.
To regard the Bible as our foundation and in doing so apply Biblical principles to our lives. We want the Word of God to lead us into Christ-like behaviour.
To seek and maintain an intimate walk with the Lord by regularly spending time with Him, studying His Word, and earnestly seeking His guidance and instruction through prayer and worship.
To work intentionally at encouraging, equipping and empowering women to achieve their God-inspired potential by following Jesus’ example and lead.
To regard prayer as the core of our ministry and therefore aim to maintain a consistent and active prayer life by praying regularly for each member of our groups (and their immediate family), our group leaders, Technology, and whenever possible, attend the weekly prayer meeting.
To intentionally love, add value and care for the women in our groups and the extended network. We want to see lives and relationships transformed. We like to grow by learning from each other. We love to do life together in a safe space without condemnation.
To ensure that everything we do, is from a servant-heart, with love and a spirit of giving our best to glorify our Lord.
To seek active involvement in church-communities and partnerships with other Christian ministries.
To conduct ourselves in a manner that is befitting to be a representative of the W@W family and in-line with the spirit of Biblical womanhood. We aim to authentically live out the message of Biblical womanhood and that of a God-first, Christ-led, Holy-Spirit-inspired life.
To be willing to accept guidance, and to respect and uphold those whom God places in authority over us. We are willing to maintain an open and teachable spirit that foster change and growth.
To maintain a good disposition at home: God first, family second and then other roles and responsibilities.
To give our best, to be wise in all aspects of our personal lives, and to apply Biblical standards and principles in our spheres of life.