W@W WRAP – Week 354

Waiting on the Lord… – Do you ever find yourself spending a large amount of time waiting? It could be waiting physically, such as waiting for a loved one to visit, waiting for a house to sell, waiting for an airplane to land, waiting in traffic or waiting in the check-out line at the grocery store. Or it could be spiritually, waiting on the Lord, wondering if the things we hoped for, even prayed for, will ever come to pass. We sincerely desire that our lives reflect God’s will, but waiting and truly understanding His timing and the different seasons of life can sometimes be so difficult. The good news is that our Lord is the “great I am” and through His Word, He assures us over and over again that He will provide for, bless, and bring hope, life and strength to those who wait on Him and follow His ways. (Isaiah 40:31)

W@W WRAP – Week 3542023-10-14T07:41:27+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 327

Finding our Way! – May this Easter be a time of finding our way – to experiencing Jesus and becoming more like Him until we spend eternity at home with Him! Let's praise Him for the promise that when we seek Him, we will find Him, and when we find Him, we will experience His unconditional love and overwhelming goodness! Let us still our hearts and minds to listen, obey, trust and surrender to Him – our Rock, our firm Foundation, our Way, our Truth and our Life now and forever! (John 14:6 & Jeremiah 29:13)

W@W WRAP – Week 3272023-04-08T07:55:32+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 311

It’s All About Jesus! – If we look carefully during this season, we can find Jesus everywhere. May we REMEMBER the wonder of Christmas! The world celebrates one day a year, but we celebrate Jesus our Saviour in our hearts every single day. May we go back to the fundamental Truth – the Light of this world – and REALIGN our lives to the will and love of God. May we RECONSIDER the reason God came to walk among us. He calls us into an intimate relationship with Him – to know Him and to REFOCUS our minds and hearts on the greatest gift we have ever RECEIVED – Jesus! May this Christmas be centred on CHRIST! (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

W@W WRAP – Week 3112022-12-17T07:53:24+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 310

Our manual for life! – Do you ever wonder how you are going to handle a certain challenge, or how you will process what is happening in an important relationship? Do you ever say to yourself: "If there was only a manual that covered this situation!" The great news is… There is such a manual. You probably have one on your bookshelf or bedside table. It is the Word of God, the Bible. It is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, written for you! Our Lord loves you so much that He does not want you to live your life apart from His wisdom and guidance. May we abide in the Truth, living according to Biblical principles and sharing the Good News with everyone we encounter.

W@W WRAP – Week 3102022-12-10T07:40:04+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 247

The Way, the Truth and eternal Life… – May we ask our Lord to purify and fill our hearts with His life-giving joy, peace, love, grace and hope as we build our lives on a solid foundation of trust and faith in Him. May we long to step into a deeper relationship with Him through studying His Word. May we trust Him to continue His refining work in us, so that our lives reflect Him to the world around us! May we praise and worship Jesus and share the story of our salvation, and if we don’t yet have one, may today be the day! (John 14:6)

W@W WRAP – Week 2472021-09-25T07:56:01+02:00
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