The Way, the Truth and eternal Life…


John 14:6 (NIV): “Jesus answered, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Immerse ourselves in the Word of God. God often uses His Word to reveal areas in our lives which need healing or restoration. God’s Word is absolutely CRUCIAL for our souls. Reading and meditating on scripture daily should by no means be only ‘an option’ for us… it should be our foundation for living. So if you are longing to connect deeply with God… then OPEN your Bible. If you desire freedom or healing… then OPEN your Bible. If you are seeking guidance and wisdom… then OPEN your Bible and drink from the life-giving source of TRUTH.

Build faith-memorials that display the goodness, grace, love and blessings of our Father God. The greatest legacy that we could leave behind is a life that displayed and pointed people to Jesus… A surrendered life of wholehearted love and faithful service for God… A victorious life – built on the goodness and love of our Heavenly Father.

Praise and glorify the name of Jesus. Jesus Christ is everything… In and through Him we have hope and life. He rescued us. He draws us closer to the heart of our Father. He cancelled the penalty of our sins. He is the image of God. He is sovereign, the first born, and all things were created in and through Him. He has dominion, and power over all. He is in control, the most holy. He is the WAY, He is the TRUTH and He is LIFE! May we worship the name of Jesus today and always.

Re-commit and surrender our lives to follow and serve Jesus all the days of our lives. May we long to have an intimate relationship with our Lord. May we KNOW for certain, that we are precious to Him and that we are part of His family when we invite Him into our lives. May we declare again today: “I commit all of my life to You God. Thank You for giving me new life and eternal hope through Jesus Christ, our Lord”.


Lord, Thank You so much that You are so gentle and You are so kind and You are so loving, and that Your Word speaks to our hearts. Thank You that it ministers deeply into our souls and reaches those places that no one else can touch and speak to. Thank You for the freedom that comes, thank You for the JOY that can be restored. Lord, I pray that You would keep us in Your Word. May it dwell deep in our hearts. May we run to it first for our place of rescue. Would You use it deeply to purify our hearts, our minds and our emotions. For Your Name and for Your glory.

Lord, we just want to say that You are an absolutely amazing God. You have done so many miracles, and we would like to preserve those memories and those details about Your goodness to us. Lord, I pray that the stories we build those memorials on would glorify Your Name; not only for us in this generation but for generations to come… Not only for us in our immediate families, but even to stretch further than that.

Lord, we just praise You for who You are, for what You’ve been doing through the centuries. We can read these stories in the Old Testament and be encouraged by them. Lord, we know that Your ways are different from our ways. Your ways are different, and Lord we can just trust in You. Thank You that we can live from victory, knowing that the battle is already won.

Lord Jesus, I can shout here from the South point of Africa, I can just shout Hallelujah! Praise the Name of Jesus Christ. Lord, You are the beginning, You are the end, You are the life source. You hold everything together, everything is in You and for You. It’s only through Your blood, Lord. We just want to praise the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ and then we just want to proclaim that this world – everything in this world – belongs to the Lord, Jesus Christ. Everything is to Your glory Lord!

Lord we come together, though apart, realising that You want every person in this world to come to know you, as Saviour and Lord. You tell us in 1 Timothy 2:4 that: “You desire all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”. Lord, there are only two kinds of people in this world, those who know You personally, and those who don’t. For those of us who have already come to a saving knowledge of You, may we be found faithful to share our story with others. You tell us in Philemon 1:6: “I pray that you might be active in sharing your faith, so that you might have a full understanding of every good thing that we have in Jesus”.

Lord, if there is anyone within the sound of my voice who does not know 100% that they have a personal relationship with You, may they pray along with me now. May this be their day of salvation… “Confessing to God that I am a sinner, and believing that the Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins on the cross, and was raised for my justification, I now receive and confess Him as my personal Saviour”.

We praise You that with one simple prayer of surrender, it is a done deal. From that moment forward, You reign in our hearts on this earth. You guide and direct our every earthly step, and then, when our time on earth is complete, you will take us to heaven for eternity. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Jesus! In the most precious name of Jesus. Amen.


(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Monica, Dirkie, Johan, Mary Lynn & Barbara-Mari)

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