W@W WRAP – Week 416

Enter into the Rest of Jesus – In the midst of life’s busyness and stress, it is vital to embrace spiritual rhythms that draw us closer to God and restore His peace within us. By intentionally setting aside moments for silence, solitude, prayer, worship, scripture reading, gratitude, and fellowship, we create space to experience the fullness of our Lord’s presence. This festive season, let us step into the rest Jesus offers by quieting our hearts, trusting in His promises, and rejoicing in His presence. Let us remember that from rest flows restoration, and from restoration comes renewed strength, peace and hope. As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, may His peace fill our hearts and His joy renew our spirits. May we dwell in the rest of Jesus, knowing that His love and faithfulness sustain us now and forever. (Matthew 11:28–30 & Psalm 23)

W@W WRAP – Week 4162024-12-21T08:05:15+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 274

Grounded in Christ! – As we look at nature, we see how the roots of trees and flowers go deep into the earth for their sustenance. Similarly, our strength to stand in every situation is found as we go deep into God's Word, firmly rooted in Christ. This involves casting our cares upon Him, knowing that He is faithful, our place of salvation and rest, and the One who nourishes us to bear good, lasting fruit through all the seasons of our lives. (Psalm 62:7-8 & Proverbs 11:30)

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W@W WRAP – Week 273

A New Season... – For many of us in the Northern Hemisphere, signs of Spring are all around us. From flowers pushing up through the cold earth, to buds on the trees, to days lengthened with extra sunlight. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are enjoying the warmth of autumn beauty combined with the crispness of a fresh breeze. May all these signs point us to the blessed renewal we have in JESUS alone, the gift of a new season, transformation and growth, and the wonder of new life. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

W@W WRAP – Week 2732022-03-26T08:01:33+02:00
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