We’d love to have you worship and glorifying our Father God’s name with us. W@W WRAPs help us to apply Biblical principles to our daily lives. In case you missed any, we have some of our WRAPs below.
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W@W WRAP – Week 396
Hope in the Storm – As August begins, it's striking how quickly the year has passed and how many ups and downs we've already encountered. Reflecting on God's promises and our plans for this year, it can feel like we're racing against time, with each day bringing new joys to celebrate and obstacles to overcome. Yet, through it all, may we keep our eyes on Jesus and remember the profound truth that we are never alone. Even in our darkest seasons, God remains faithful, and He is our ONLY HOPE. His constant presence guides us through every storm, shaping us into all He created us to be. (Hebrews 6:19, Philippians 4:4–7 & Romans 15:13)
W@W WRAP – Week 395
Prayer is a Way of Life – Do you honestly believe prayer is crucial to our daily lives and makes a real difference? Of all the thighs the disciples could have asked Jesus to teach them, they asked Him only one thing: "Teach us to pray." Perhaps because they understood that prayer is a constant way of living and seeking intimacy with our Father in Heaven, not just an occasional activity when we are in trouble or facing a big decision. The primary purpose of prayer is to allow God to transform us from within so that we can see the world from His perspective and live according to His will. Jesus valued time alone with His Father, away from the crowds. For Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayer was absolutely essential, even more important than food, revealing the profound, unseen power of prayer. We would never stop praying if we could see the divine changes that occur through prayer. Since, however ordinary we are, when we speak to our Heavenly Father, something extraordinary happens. Through prayer, we draw closer to our Father's heart, receive His strength, seek His guidance, and experience His peace. (Jeremiah 29:12)
W@W WRAP – Week 394
A Christ-like Character – John Wooden, the renowned basketball player and coach, once said, "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." This principle deeply resonates with Biblical teachings, which emphasise that God values our inner character over outward appearances. Unlike the world, which focuses on superficial traits, God examines the heart. Our character forms the bedrock of our integrity and authenticity, shaping our actions, decisions and interactions with others. It reflects our true selves and our relationship with God. By nurturing a strong, virtuous character, we honour God and encourage others to seek His truth. In every situation, our character speaks volumes about our faith, integrity and commitment to living a life that glorifies God. (1 Samuel 16:7, Psalm 51:10-12 & Galatians 5:22–23)
W@W WRAP – Week 393
Standing on the Promises of God: Nothing is Impossible for Him! – Do you ever feel, as it's sometimes said, that you have the world by the tail? Everything seems to be going your way. You have the strength to tackle every task on your to-do list. It might be excelling at work, meeting deadlines effortlessly, maintaining excellent health, hitting your fitness goals, serving at church, or even managing the demands of having grace and patience with your loved ones. Whatever it is, you feel mentally and physically empowered to accomplish it all. But then, suddenly, you hit a wall. Your physical strength might give out, or perhaps it's your psychological or spiritual endurance that falters. In these moments, we realise we aren't as proficient as we thought. But the amazing truth is that we have received the greatest gift through Jesus – our redeemer, joy, steadfast love and boundless peace. So, may we find our hope and strength in Christ, remembering that nothing is ever too hard for our Lord. He will come through for us, for He is a God who keeps His promises. (1 John 4:4, 2 Corinthians 1:20 & Matthew 19:26)
W@W WRAP – Week 392
Living a God-First, Christ-Led, Holy Spirit-Inspired Life – In Africa, there is a fascinating bird known for its intricate nest-building skills called the "weaver bird." This remarkable bird constructs its nest from leaves, weaving a roof and an entrance as a way to attract other birds. In the Kingdom of God, could we be called weavers? Do we intricately weave Kingdom lessons – principles and teachings of Jesus Christ, such as love, forgiveness, humility, patience and generosity – into our everyday lives? Whether at the office, online, on the telephone with a friend, at the grocery store, or at home with our family, are we asking God to help us share how living according to His precepts profoundly transforms our lives? Are we attracting others, inspiring them to live a God-first, Christ-led, Holy Spirit-inspired life? (Ephesians 3:16-21)
W@W WRAP – Week 391
Knowing God deeply through His Word, so that we may Live Differently! – Do you long for a deeper understanding of who God is? The Word of God provides us with intimate knowledge of His character, reveals the essence of His heart, and offers us guidance for living a God-first life! But perhaps the more important question is: "What is your relationship with your Bible?" Can you remember the very first time you truly read your Bible, not just as a routine task but with genuine engagement? When was the last time you immersed yourself deeply in the Word of God, savouring and reflecting on every word? The Word of God is truly a love letter to us, and we should absorb every word. It's not just about reading and memorising the words, but about reflecting on each written word, allowing the Holy Spirit to unpack the words and change us to become more like Christ. God's Word isn't static; it's dynamic, alive and transformative. (John 17:3)