Easter – A time to glorify Jesus!


I don’t know about you, but around Easter time, we hear many words like repentance, surrender, restoration and rebuild… Easter is such a wonderful time to remember what Jesus did for each of us on the cross.
He knew the suffering He would have to go through, and yet He didn’t let fear win, instead He dropped to His knees and prayed, “Father, not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).


So, let’s unpack the importance of Easter:

REPENTANCE – God desires that we repent of our wrongdoing, so that we can live in joy and peace with Jesus every day (go read Luke 13:5). True repentance is saying sorry to God, turning away from our sin and turning back to the Lord with our whole heart! Asking for forgiveness and forgiving others is really important to the Lord!

So, why don’t you ask God, right now, to show you anything in your life that is not in His will and then ask for forgiveness?

RESURRENDER – Surrender is a very important key to our Christian walk with God. God wants us to go to Him with the things that we are struggling with, so that His will can unfold in our lives.
We should always want God’s plan for our lives over our own plans (go read Jeremiah 10:23).

So now, let us resurrender our lives and plans to our loving and faithful Father God and trust that He will guide our steps.

RESTORE – We often make so many mistakes that we think God cannot fix them, but that’s not true.
In Matthew 19:26, we learn that nothing is impossible for God.
He can restore even our biggest mistakes and refill us with His Holy Spirit, to make us strong, give us wisdom and lead us through each day.

Let’s pray together for God to restore and refresh us with His Holy Spirit from this day forward.

REBUILD – So, through repentance, we open ourselves up to be able to surrender all that is holding us back.
We can know in our hearts that God wants to restore our lives, so that we can continue to build on our rock-solid foundation – which is our relationship with Jesus Christ!


Our Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus. Please help us to repent of our sin and surrender our plans so that You can restore our lives, and help us continue to build our relationship with Jesus.

If any of you, listening have never given your life to Jesus – you can pray this simple prayer with me today:
Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me so much that You died for me.
Please forgive me of my sin and come into my heart.
Help me do the things You want me to do and not do the wrong things.
Fill me with Your Spirit so that I can know You, serve You and follow You all of my life. Amen.

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