

W@W Messages

May the below messages truly inspire you to live a God-first, Christ-led, Holy Spirit-inspired life! May it give you a new perspective on fundamental biblical truths. May it challenge you to apply what you discover in practical ways! May you experience our Father God’s direction and get a revelation of his promises and will for your life. May you say “YES LORD, I will follow where You lead… I’m listening Lord, please speak!”

W@W BLOG – Week 12

Ons Ware Identiteit (deel 2) - Meeste van ons kom by ‘n punt in ons lewens waar ons wonder oor die volgende vrae: “Wie is ek? Wat is my ware identiteit? Hoekom is ek hier? Wat is my doel? Is ek wie God my geskape het om te wees?” Hierdie week kyk ons na Jesus. Dit is werklik net in en deur Hom wat ons, ons identiteit (as God se kinders wat na Sy beeld geskape is) kan verstaan, uitleef en Sy Koninkryk op aarde kan bevorder.

W@W BLOG – Week 9

How to follow the example of Jesus - While on earth, Jesus modelled, and through His example showed us how we ought to live and behave. This incorporates our behaviour and attitude toward others – how we treat others; and the words we speak (controlling our tongue).

W@W BLOG – Week 7

Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit - As a people living in the age of the Christian church, are we keeping in step with the Holy Spirit? What is His role in our lives?

W@W BLOG – Week 6

Werp jou bekommernisse op die Here - Mag elkeen van ons leer om God toe te laat om ons te vorm, dat ons as kinders van God kan opstaan sodat ander mense Jesus in ons oë, gedrag ensovoorts... kan sien! Mag dit vandag ook jou gebed wees: “Ken die Here in al jou weë, dan sal Hy jou paaie gelykmaak” (Spreuke. 3:6).

W@W BLOG – Week 4

Ons erfenis - Baie mense is gered ja, maar hulle leef nie in oorwinning nie. Hulle verstaan nie wat dit beteken nie. In God se groot ontferming het Hy ons die nuwe lewe geskenk deur die opstanding van Jesus Christus uit die dood. Nou het ons 'n lewende hoop op die onverganklike, onbesmette en onverwelklike erfenis wat in die hemel ook vir ons in bewaring gehou word.


Stay informed… read more about what is happening at W@W, the amazing stories of lives being transformed and doing life together as a W@W family…


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To know our Father God Series: Thank you for the special opportunity to be part of this group, for the great teaching and worshipping of our Great and Almighty Lord. Thank you for this series!


What determines your identity Webinar: Amazing! God touches the hearts of many woman. Praise to God!


To know our Father God Series: Thank you for an amazing series. I’ve learned so much. Este, thank you for your book and the prayers towards the end of each chapter. Mariana, thank you for your contribution and prayers. This was the greatest 8 weeks and I am sad it’s over. This was truly an answer to my prayer – that Father God will reveal himself to me. With baby steps, I’m learning to know our Almighty Father. Hallelujah!


To know our Father God Series: I have no words to describe how awesome this series was! When are we getting together again?

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