Merry Christmas! May you bring joy to those around you! And may 2021 be your best year!!
Merry Christmas! May you bring joy to those around you! And may 2021 be your best year!!
Let’s make this an Easter of intimacy and activation – let’s seize this opportunity to dive deeper into relationship and then to reach further to make a difference in our world!
The position and deity of Jesus... Have you ever wondered what it means when we hear the words: ‘‘In the name of Jesus we pray’’ or ‘’By the authority given to me’’? What is it about Jesus that is so powerful? What’s the big deal about the authority and access He freely gives us?
It's the most wonderful time of the year, so let us shine brightly for our Father God who sent His precious Son to come and bring salvation for everyone...
Ons Ware Identiteit (deel 2) - Meeste van ons kom by ‘n punt in ons lewens waar ons wonder oor die volgende vrae: “Wie is ek? Wat is my ware identiteit? Hoekom is ek hier? Wat is my doel? Is ek wie God my geskape het om te wees?” Hierdie week kyk ons na Jesus. Dit is werklik net in en deur Hom wat ons, ons identiteit (as God se kinders wat na Sy beeld geskape is) kan verstaan, uitleef en Sy Koninkryk op aarde kan bevorder.
The position and deity of Jesus... Have you ever wondered what it means when we hear the words ‘‘in the name of Jesus we pray’’ or ‘’by the authority given to me’’? What is it about Jesus that is so powerful? What’s the big deal about the authority and access He gives us?
Ons Ware Identiteit (deel 2) - Meeste van ons kom by ‘n punt in ons lewens waar ons wonder oor die volgende vrae: “Wie is ek? Wat is my ware identiteit? Hoekom is ek hier? Wat is my doel? Is ek wie God my geskape het om te wees?” Hierdie week kyk ons na Jesus. Dit is werklik net in en deur Hom wat ons, ons identiteit (as God se kinders wat na Sy beeld geskape is) kan verstaan, uitleef en Sy Koninkryk op aarde kan bevorder.
How to follow the example of Jesus - While on earth, Jesus modelled, and through His example showed us how we ought to live and behave. This incorporates our behaviour and attitude toward others – how we treat others; and the words we speak (controlling our tongue).
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit - As a people living in the age of the Christian church, are we keeping in step with the Holy Spirit? What is His role in our lives?
Werp jou bekommernisse op die Here - Mag elkeen van ons leer om God toe te laat om ons te vorm, dat ons as kinders van God kan opstaan sodat ander mense Jesus in ons oë, gedrag ensovoorts... kan sien! Mag dit vandag ook jou gebed wees: “Ken die Here in al jou weë, dan sal Hy jou paaie gelykmaak” (Spreuke. 3:6).