Wisdom from God…
1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NIV): “However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” – the things God has prepared for those who love him – these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit”.
Let us be determined this week to:
Ask God to unveil and reveal Himself and His will to us through the Holy Spirit. It’s only through the Holy Spirit, that Wisdom – the profound depths of God, His divine counsel and His gifts that reaches far beyond our human understanding – are revealed. Let’s be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. Let’s ask Him continuously to instill Godly-dreams and visions into our hearts, to make things plain for us, to take ownership of our thoughts, and to steer our lives according to our God-ordained destiny. The Holy Spirit is drawing us closer to God and acts as our guide, teacher and helper!
Obey God. Once our spiritual eyes are opened, once the Holy Spirit takes control over our lives, God’s wisdom is unlocked. We see things through the eyes of Jesus, and we experience and love others the way God loved us first. Our hearts overflow with joy and peace that transcends our own understanding; we act with kindness and gentleness toward others, we do good to help those in need and we practice self-control to live lives of obedience that glorify our Father.
Wait upon our Lord. Let’s gratefully recognise God for who He is – He is the GREAT I AM, our all-wise, all-powerful, all-sufficient Father, who will never leave or forsake us. Let’s anticipate God’s help and His wisdom in whatever our tasks may be and at the right time. Let’s gratefully, in worship, praise our Lord for revealing Himself to us – for His guidance, teaching, councel, provision, protection and love.
Father, thank You for Your goodness and majesty which are far greater than our comprehension. Thank You for the many things You have in store for those who love You and wait upon You. Thank You that these are not small things – but things never discovered or heard of before – things beyond our ability to imagine. Thank You for the expectation and hope that this creates in our hearts. Holy Spirit, help us to not rely on our own understanding, or world guesses or the opinions of others. We don’t depend on what we read in books or newspapers or learn from school. Instead, we are one hundred percent reliant on You – to teach, guide and direct us in God’s ways. Reveal and unveil God’s wisdom to us today. Jesus, we love You and we glorify Your holy name. Amen.
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