The work of His hands…


Isaiah 64:8 (NIV): “Yet You, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, You are the Potter; we are all the work of Your hand”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Reflect on God’s greatness. Let’s marvel at our Lord’s mighty deeds. He is the Potter; and us and all of creation the clay. Mountains bow down before Him, trees clap their hands for Him, oceans roar and dance for Him, and clouds paint the skies for Him. He sends rain to nourish and refresh the earth, the stars to light the skies and the sun to shine life on all. How much more then shall we adore Him, for He has formed us, molded and shaped our lives – fearfully and wonderfully, and perfectly according to His plan – until He said: “This is good”!

Study God’s character. To truly understand our Potter’s greatness, and who He created (molded and formed) us to be – we need to know Him. To help us get to know our Father God more intimately, we can study His character. God reveals Himself to us through His Word. Let’s look at what Isaiah 45 teaches us about His character: God is our Father, He is all-wise and all-powerful, He is sovereign, omnipotent, the originator and creator of the entire universe and everything in it. He decides how everything works (including success, righteousness, salvation and even disaster). He is holy. He is our maker (the Potter). He is our saviour, deliverer and strength. He is our provider and our defender. He only speaks truth. He declares what is right, and He takes care of us with deep and tender love. Considering these characteristics – how can we not, but love Him with all our hearts, all of our understanding and with all that we are?

Be pliable in our Potter’s hands. Let’s wait upon our Lord. Let’s take time to be still before Him – to understand how He had formed us. Let’s anticipate His help. He will never fail us. Let’s be deliberate about spending time in our Father God’s presence and preparing ourselves to be reworked, molded and formed according to His will and plan for our lives. And let’s trust Him, follow Him and by His grace become all He created us to be.


Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay, You are the Potter. We are the work of Your hands. Make Your name known across the earth. Let everyone and everything bow down before You. Father God, no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any greater God besides You! Thank You for helping us and for acting on our behalf as we wait on You. Father, reveal Yourself to us. We long to be in Your presence. Help us to do what is right. Shape us and mold us into all You planned for us to be. We trust You and we adore You. Amen.

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