This is the way, walk in it…
Isaiah 45:2-3 (NIV): “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”.
Let us be determined this week to:
Let our Father God direct our steps. Jesus explained in John 14:6 that He is the Way. We can therefore walk in Him. It is because of Him and through Him that we are able to breath and move. He is our only true reality. He is the only One who can direct and steer us towards our heavenly home. He is the “Navigation System” (said with utmost respect) that will never fail us, and never steer us in the wrong direction. He will guide us towards our final destination – towards HOPE, LIGHT and LIFE! Are you inclined to listen for our Lord’s voice, directing you? Do you know and whole-heartedly believe that Jesus is the Way, that He is the Truth, that He is Life? If we walk in the way He directs us, we are breathing, moving and living in Him. Jesus further explained, that to live in Him, is to know Him, and to know Him is to know our Father God too. So, don’t be troubled, don’t get anxious when you don’t know where to go. Trust Jesus, and in trusting Him, trust our Father God to direct your next step.
Rejoice and praise our Lord – the King of kings, the Prince of peace, the Lord of lords. Let’s glorify the Name of Jesus! Let’s display the gospel in and through our lives! Let’s rejoice and praise our Lord – not only for His goodness, blessings, miracles and victories, but also for His promptings and direction, His grace and His love!
Serve our Lord with gladness. Let’s do life together. Let’s work together to advance the Kingdom. Let’s create a beautiful harmony of glory to our Father!
Jesus, show us the way, and we will walk in it. Thank You that we can trust and believe in You. Thank You that You will never steer us in the wrong direction, but that we are safely headed towards our final destination. We glorify Your mighty Name – the Name about all names. Father, it’s with gladness that we serve to glorify You! Amen.
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