Fountain of light


Psalm 36:9 (AMP): “For with You is the fountain of life [the fountain of life-giving water]; In Your light we see light”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Go to the Fountain of living water. Our only source of life is God – for in and through Him all things exist (John 1:4). He is our source of life-giving water – without which we cannot live. It’s at the feet of our Father, at the Fountain of living water, that we find life, nourishment, healing, peace, love, grace, protection, wisdom and hope. This is where we are refilled to live full, overflowing lives: lives that glorify our Father and love on others; lives that display the beauty of the Gospel and tell the story of HOPE; lives that are Kingdom-minded and not earth-bound.

Be light. Just as Jesus (our Light) defeated darkness, we are to be light to a dark and desperate world. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. As image-bearers we are to be filled with His light. We therefore need to let go of ourselves, our worldly perceptions and cultural mandates, and our busyness and pride. We need to empty our jars and let Jesus fill us with His glory and splendour. It’s only when we are filled with His light, that we can display it to the world, for all to SEE life and truth!


O Lord our God, we are in awesome wonder of Your greatness and love. Thank You that we are not bound in darkness. Because of Your light, we can SEE. Fill us with Your living water, with Your light. Let our lives shine Your beauty and glory. We dedicate our lives to You. You are the Light, guiding us along this path called life. Let us live well-lit lives that shine for You! We praise and bless Your holy name. Amen.

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