Waiting and trusting


Psalm 130:5 (NIV): “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Wait upon our Lord. Let’s spend time with our Father God, asking Him to reveal His will and promises to us. Let’s not give up hope, but remain at rest, praying and worshipping, while we expectantly wait upon our Lord.

Put our trust fully in the One who gave His life for us. We serve a dependable, steady, merciful, trustworthy God. Our Father God cannot go back on His word. That means that we can find hope and peace in knowing, with certainty, that our Lord will fulfil His promises.

Know that our Father God hears our cries and He wants to help us. Because of our trust in our Lord, we can be confident that even though we are sinners, our Father God hears when we cry out to Him and He will help us in our hour of need. He wants the best for us!


Father God, thank You that You are faithful and merciful. Today we cry out to You! Please forgive our sins and help us in every area of need. Please help us to understand Your plans for our lives. Thank You that we can find Your promises of forgiveness, blessing, provision and love in Your Word. Help us to confidently wait upon You, knowing that we can trust You, that You love us and that You want to best for us! In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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