Our loving, kind and caring Lord is near


Acts 23:11 (NIV): The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome”.


Let us be determined this week to KNOW THAT:

Our Father God takes a personal interest in our welfare. Our God will never leave or forsake us. We can be brave and strong to endure hardship and take the next step. (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5-6; 4:16, Joshua 1:5-6, 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 28:18-20, Philippians 4:6-7, Isaiah 41:8-13, Psalm 55:22-23, Romans 8:28, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 Chronicles 28:20)

Jesus is with us and will protect us all the way. God is our SHIELD (Psalm 3:3; 18:2; 28:7; 33:20; 84:11; 89:18; 115:9, Genesis 15:1, Deuteronomy 33:29, Proverbs 30:5). God is our DEFENDER (Psalm 48:3; 48:14; 72:12). God is our STRONG TOWER (Psalm 31:3; 59:9; 59:16-17; 61:3; 62:6; 144:2, Proverbs 18:10, Jeremiah 16:19).

The Lord is our HOPE. He will LEAD (putting a dream and vision in our hearts) and SHOW us the way (giving us directions for the journey ahead). (Isaiah 14:27; 25:1; 30:21, Exodus 25:40; 1 Chronicles 28:19, Job 42:2, Psalm 33:11, Jeremiah 1:5; 29:11)


Jesus, thank You for standing next to us and helping us to turn our trials, tragedies, hardships, and impossible situations, into opportunities to display Your glory, grace, hope and love. Thank You that we can be brave and strong in and through You. Thank You for confirming to us today that You are near, that everything is going to be all right and that everything is going to turn out for the best. We praise Your holy Name. Amen.

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