Guarding our hearts…
Proverbs 4:23 (NIV): “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.
The Hebrew definition for the word “heart” (levav) describes how it includes our thoughts, our will, our discernment and our affections. The KJV dictionary describes the word “heart” as a muscular viscus, which is the primary organ of the blood’s motion; the inner part of any thing; the middle part or interior; the chief part; the vital part; the seat of the affections and passions – as of love, joy, grief, animosity, courage, pleasure, etc. In the Bible we read that the condition of our hearts could be described as good, lovely, honest, pure, courageous, willing, happy, content; or evil, deceiving, hard, unbelieving, heavy, sorrowful, and proud… Who we are flows from our hearts. This affects everything we say, all of our actions, our motives, our principles and our habits.
We are so diligent and intentional when it comes to protecting our material belongings. Security is top of mind when it comes to our homes, cars, businesses, and valuables… But what about our spiritual and inner wellbeing?
Let us be determined this week to:
Ask God to search our hearts and reveal to us their true condition (Psalm 139:23-24). Are our hearts filled with love, compassion, peace, kindness, and goodness; or with hate, fear, condemnation, or sinful thoughts?
Fill our hearts with God’s Truth. Let’s be intentional about spending time in God’s Word so that our hearts will be filled with God’s Truth. Let’s memorise scripture and store it deep within our hearts so that it will keep us from sin and direct our lives according to God’s will and purpose (Psalm 119:11).
Guard our hearts with watchful prayer. Our hearts are so easily deceived (Jeremiah 17:9) and the enemy is constantly watching for an opportunity to deceive us (1 Peter 5:8). Let’s be sober (well balanced and self-disciplined), alert and cautious at all times. Let’s be diligent to pray consistently for our hearts to be protected against our enemy and fleshly temptations.
Father God, we invite you to search our hearts. Examine us through and through; search everything that is hidden within us. Sift through our hearts and reveal to us anything that is not pleasing to You. Jesus, help us to walk in Your Truth. Please protect us against the enemy and fleshly temptations. Lead us in Your glorious, everlasting ways – the path that always brings us back to You. And now Father, we pray that Your peace, the type that surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts. Jesus, in Your mighty name we pray.
(Paraphrased Psalm 139:23-24 and Philippians 4:7)
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