W@W WRAP – Week 221

Lord, I am available – my hope is in You… - May we declare this week: Here we are Lord, help us to wholeheartedly exercise the gifts and talents You have given us – all for Your Glory! Help us to listen for where You are calling us to restore and rebuild Your Kingdom here on earth. Give us eternal hope and the confidence and wisdom to share our faith at all times. (Ephesians 2:10)

W@W WRAP – Week 2212021-03-27T07:46:07+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 199

Yes Lord – No buts… - My prayer for us today is that we will have a fresh encounter with Jesus, in order to build our faith and trust in the One Who is our rock and solid foundation. May we surrender everything to our Heavenly Father, our Provider. He has graciously gifted us with all the talent and ability we need to follow His call on our lives. Let’s not lean on our own strength or worldly perspectives, but rather follow the Holy Spirit’s direction! May we stop to look and see the needs around us; and may we surrender every aspect of our lives to our ever-present, Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 4:6)

W@W WRAP – Week 1992020-10-24T07:54:42+02:00
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