W@W WRAP – Week 327

Finding our Way! – May this Easter be a time of finding our way – to experiencing Jesus and becoming more like Him until we spend eternity at home with Him! Let's praise Him for the promise that when we seek Him, we will find Him, and when we find Him, we will experience His unconditional love and overwhelming goodness! Let us still our hearts and minds to listen, obey, trust and surrender to Him – our Rock, our firm Foundation, our Way, our Truth and our Life now and forever! (John 14:6 & Jeremiah 29:13)

W@W WRAP – Week 3272023-04-08T07:55:32+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 247

The Way, the Truth and eternal Life… – May we ask our Lord to purify and fill our hearts with His life-giving joy, peace, love, grace and hope as we build our lives on a solid foundation of trust and faith in Him. May we long to step into a deeper relationship with Him through studying His Word. May we trust Him to continue His refining work in us, so that our lives reflect Him to the world around us! May we praise and worship Jesus and share the story of our salvation, and if we don’t yet have one, may today be the day! (John 14:6)

W@W WRAP – Week 2472021-09-25T07:56:01+02:00
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