W@W WRAP – Week 391

Knowing God deeply through His Word, so that we may Live Differently! – Do you long for a deeper understanding of who God is? The Word of God provides us with intimate knowledge of His character, reveals the essence of His heart, and offers us guidance for living a God-first life! But perhaps the more important question is: "What is your relationship with your Bible?" Can you remember the very first time you truly read your Bible, not just as a routine task but with genuine engagement? When was the last time you immersed yourself deeply in the Word of God, savouring and reflecting on every word? The Word of God is truly a love letter to us, and we should absorb every word. It's not just about reading and memorising the words, but about reflecting on each written word, allowing the Holy Spirit to unpack the words and change us to become more like Christ. God's Word isn't static; it's dynamic, alive and transformative. (John 17:3)

W@W WRAP – Week 3912024-06-29T08:06:43+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 352

Serenity for our hearts… – Do you ever experience spiritual hurt in your heart? Maybe you feel burdened by the challenges of the day or you are mindful of past hurts that still ache. Thankfully, our Lord has a remedy for our hurting hearts. He reminds us in the Bible that a heart immersed in His Word is a healed heart, filled with gratitude and contentment. His Word, indeed is a ‘salve for our sore hearts!’ It reminds us that we were created by Him and we belong to Him. He is the King of the world and He loves us unconditionally, through the good days and the challenging ones. (Philippians 4:6-7)

W@W WRAP – Week 3522023-09-30T08:06:29+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 310

Our manual for life! – Do you ever wonder how you are going to handle a certain challenge, or how you will process what is happening in an important relationship? Do you ever say to yourself: "If there was only a manual that covered this situation!" The great news is… There is such a manual. You probably have one on your bookshelf or bedside table. It is the Word of God, the Bible. It is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God, written for you! Our Lord loves you so much that He does not want you to live your life apart from His wisdom and guidance. May we abide in the Truth, living according to Biblical principles and sharing the Good News with everyone we encounter.

W@W WRAP – Week 3102022-12-10T07:40:04+02:00
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