We, as the W@W family, love to do life together, learn from one another and together put our amazing Father God on display. Glorifying His name above all others and serving Him for the advancement of His kingdom brings us great joy! We are privileged to equip and inspire women to understand their identity in Jesus and to achieve their God-inspired potential. It’s all about intentional God-first, Christ-led, Holy Spirit-inspired living! It’s all about Biblical womanhood! It’s all about going back to God’s Word as our guide and the foundation of our lives.
We are designed in God’s image and likeness. We have extraordinary value and God designed us uniquely to shine and reflect His light and glory to a desperately needed world.
Womanhood is about being daughters who display the WOW! of Jesus as we do our lives as women. . .
We are called to do life together, to reach out to one another, to be light bringing out God-colors in this world.
We are called to be women… For I have accepted God’s idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be.
The way that we think determines the way that we live… The way that we live reveals what we really believe.
God wants you to be so much more than what the world upholds as the ideal. He wants you to be a True Woman. A woman who says: Yes, Lord! A woman, who by His grace patterns, lives life according to His Divine Design.
W@W WRAP - Week 136
TO BE CLOSE TO GOD… The most important relationship we have is with our Heavenly Father – this is where our life and existence flow from. If we want to cultivate an intimate relationship with God, our hearts and flesh (our entire beings) need to cry out to be in His presence. How do we achieve being in God’s presence – seeking Him above all else?