True Woman 101 Online Group

True Woman 101 is a beautiful study based on Biblical truths for womanhood. It provides a wake-up call and practical help to live life as a woman of God.  The world’s brand of womanhood is being tossed off by thousands as they join a quiet counter-revolution.  Dig into the heart of true manhood and womanhood, and discover the beauty, joy and fulfilment of being exactly who God created you to be.

If you’re tired of clichéd advice, shallow caricatures, and cookie-cutter solutions, then this 12-week online Bible study with foundational teaching and insight from God’s Word by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth is for you!

What is the True Woman 101 study about?

True Woman 101 provides foundational teaching on what the Bible says womanhood is. It is a twelve-week study, divided into daily lessons and weekly discussions. Each person completes the daily lessons in their own time (approx. 20 minutes per day required). At the end of each week, we meet online (for an hour) to discuss, explore and apply the lessons learned.

How does a W@W Online Group work?

Introduction and welcome session: Week of 5 February 2018

Starting: Week of 12 February 2018

Duration: 12 weeks (excluding the 2 week school break – weeks of 26 March and 2 April)

Meeting time: 1 hour per week

Register here:

Cost: Free to join an online group.

Other requirements: Obtain or order your study book from CUM. Click here to order (available in Afrikaans & English). A stable Internet connection is recommended via any Internet enabled device (i.e. laptop, desktop, tablet, phone). As an alternative you can also dial-in via telephone line.

Join a group of 10-12 amazing women, online, once a week to discuss the study content, either in the morning or evening. We have multiple groups, so you can choose the day and time most convenient to you. You can also choose to attend an Afrikaans, English or mixed group. Indicate your preference when you register.

True Woman 101 Bible Study Outline

Topic 1: Gender matters

Topic 2: Snips and Snails

Topic 3: Sugar and Spice

Topic 4: Snake in my Garden

Topic 5: Battle of the Sexes

Topic 6: Hear me Roar

Topic 7: Total Makeover

Topic 8: Sisterhood is Powerful

Learn more here…

Other important information…

Day and Time

One hour online get-together via a platform called Zoom. The day and time depends on the preference of the group (for example a Tuesday morning @ 7:30-8:30; or Wednesday evening @ 20:00-21:00; or really whatever works for all in the group).


We use a platform called Zoom to connect online. Click on the link to download Zoom, there is no other requirement, once you’ve joined a group you will be issued with you Zoom ID. If you have any questions, please contact us at or watch this quick “how to” video on installing and running Zoom.

Course work

True Women 101 book / kindle version. Get your book from any CUM store or click here to order (available in Afrikaans & English).


Please like our Facebook Page to receive the latest updates and information. Once you’ve joined an online group, your group leader will add you to a WhatsApp group for weekly updates and discussions.

Example of weekly agenda

19.25pm: Login and establish Zoom connection

20.00pm: Welcome & How is everyone doing?

20.10pm: Bible study discussion and Questions

20.35pm: Practical application

20:50pm: Prayer requests for week

20:57pm: Group Admin / Announcements / Other Information

21:00pm: End

* Please note the actual time will differ according to your specific group’s meeting time.

Feel and experience what a W@W Online Group is all about!

Click on the links below to watch the amazing testimonies of women who participated in our online groups.

Sarah’s from the USA clip

Eike’s clip

Tsoanelo’s clip

2017 year end celebration

Welmarie’s clip

Janine’s clip

Michelle’s clip

I want to join the W@W family, what do I do next?

We cannot wait for you to join one of our Online Groups. Please let us know that you are interested by signing up here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at  We are looking forward to connect with you!