W@W WRAP – Week 152

Jesus - Our Way, Truth and Life... - Having Jesus as Lord over our lives changes everything – our thinking, perspectives, values, priorities and principles. Jesus is the great I AM, the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. No one gets to heaven except through Him (John 14:6). Who is Jesus to you? Do you know Him and do you have a personal relationship with Him? Do you know and follow His ways? Does your life point others to Him? Do you trust Him as the Lord of your life? Will you leave everything behind to follow Him and submit it all to Him?

W@W WRAP – Week 1522019-11-30T03:17:09+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 151

The way to God – Awaken in His presence... - What does it mean to “BE IN GOD’S PRESENCE?” “HOW DO WE GET INTO HIS PRESENCE?” “WHY IS BEING IN THE PRESENCE OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER SO SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT FOR US?” Once we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we have constant access to God’s presence. Jesus is God’s presence with us; and when He ascended to Heaven, He left the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. If God is present everywhere, we do not have to DO something to BE in His presence. He is already here. It’s about our AWARENESS of His presence. Being AWAKENED to experiencing Him in and through our daily lives.

W@W WRAP – Week 1512020-01-03T13:09:47+02:00
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