Jesus – Our Way, Truth and Life…
John 14:6 (NIV): “Jesus answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.
We are so quick to proclaim that we are Christians and that we find our worth and identity in Jesus. But have we considered that the way we answer the questions about who Jesus is truly determines how we live and who we are? I mentioned a profound quote by A.W. Tozer in a previous WRAP: “The most important thing about us, is what we think about God”. What we think about Jesus and who we are in Him, determines our thoughts, our actions, our response to challenges, our perspective on circumstances, and the words we use…
If we don’t know Jesus (His ways, truth, light, peace, joy; and the hope He has set before us) – our lives may feel void, empty, and hopeless… The revelation here is – it’s not about what we do; it’s about what Jesus did for us! It’s not about who we are; it’s about who we are in Christ.
Let us be determined this week to:
Recommit our lives to Jesus. Let’s follow Jesus! He is our WAY maker! He is our Lord, Saviour, Healer, Teacher, Caretaker, Vision-caster, Leader, Miracle worker, our Helper in times of need! He is LIFE, HOPE, PEACE and JOY! He has gone before us. He gave His life for us and has prepared a place for us in Heaven (John 14:2). He is the Son of God and THE WAY to our Heavenly Father (James14:7-11).
Believe that TRUTH is only found in and though our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. What lies are you believing – lies about God, yourself, and others? Jesus came to earth so that we could be set free from bondage and darkness (Galatians 5:1). We can live as people of HOPE, people with EXPECTATION! If we put our trust in Jesus, He gives us access to provision, breakthrough, wisdom, discernment, vision, and a way forward as rightful heirs of the Kingdom (Romans 8:17). In and through Jesus, we get to glorify our Father in all we do. We can live with a bold expectation for Him to do the impossible, to protect and provide for us, and to free us from the lies of the world, so that we can live in TRUTH… The TRUTH that SETS US FREE to be all He created us to be!
Live as people of LIGHT! In and through Jesus we have LIFE! Light eliminates darkness. Light is what helps us find our way. Light is what helps us to see clearly. Light is what makes things visible. Jesus is our light – guiding our feet and directing our steps. Jesus is our Lord of lords, King of Kings, our Saviour. He is our friend, the One who forgives our sins, restores our brokenness, and redeems all that is wrong in our lives. He is the One who teaches, leads and directs us. He is the One who restores our broken relationships and gives us hope. He is our WAY to peace, love and eternal life!
Having Jesus as Lord over our lives changes everything – our thinking, perspectives, values, priorities and principles. Jesus is the great I AM, the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. No one gets to heaven except through Him…
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?
Does your life point others to Him? Who is Jesus to you?
Will you leave everything behind to follow Him and submit it all to Him?
Father God, we want to recommit our lives to You! You are the Lord of lords and the King of our hearts. Jesus, thank You for giving us Your life – for sacrificing everything so that we can find our WAY, the TRUTH and ETERNAL LIFE in and through You!
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