W@W WRAP – Week 389

Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Mind! – Do you truly understand the depth and breadth of God's love? His love is profoundly selfless and unconditional. He doesn't prioritize His own gain or loss; instead, He puts Himself on the line, hoping we will return His love. He leaves the 99 to seek the one lost sheep, demonstrating a love that is bold and sacrificial. This is the same love that sent His own Son to endure a gruesome death on the cross. Despite our sins breaking His heart, He is always ready to forgive and welcome us back home. His love is extravagant and unwavering, transforming us through His grace and truth. We are loved beyond measure by the God who created us. And all He desires in return is a living relationship with Him. (Matthew 22:35–40)

W@W WRAP – Week 3892024-06-15T08:25:13+02:00

W@W Webinar: SIT – WALK – STAND…

Join us for an online conversation with Liz Myburgh on Friday, 24 August @ 8:00-9:00am (SA time). Do you want to live an authentic life in the authority that God has given you? This online conversation will help us unpack truths about our well-being (body, soul and spirit)...

W@W Webinar: SIT – WALK – STAND…2018-08-07T20:51:01+02:00
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