W@W WRAP – Week 416

Enter into the Rest of Jesus – In the midst of life’s busyness and stress, it is vital to embrace spiritual rhythms that draw us closer to God and restore His peace within us. By intentionally setting aside moments for silence, solitude, prayer, worship, scripture reading, gratitude, and fellowship, we create space to experience the fullness of our Lord’s presence. This festive season, let us step into the rest Jesus offers by quieting our hearts, trusting in His promises, and rejoicing in His presence. Let us remember that from rest flows restoration, and from restoration comes renewed strength, peace and hope. As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, may His peace fill our hearts and His joy renew our spirits. May we dwell in the rest of Jesus, knowing that His love and faithfulness sustain us now and forever. (Matthew 11:28–30 & Psalm 23)