“IDENTITY – The key to lasting freedom!” Online Series

In this BRAND NEW online series Lucinda Smith unpacks the freedom we can possess through Jesus Christ. Lucinda’s passion for women is that they can enjoy abundant lives, as promised by Jesus, but sadly so many of us don’t. We are crippled by insecurities, anxiety, doubts, guilt and fear. This teaching has been put together from her own journey as a missionary in Pakistan, from many years of  mentoring young women, and from praying on a one to one basis for people’s deeper issues, she seeks to help us answer the questions we all ask at some point in our lives, why is this, why me, and how can we find true and lasting freedom?

What is the “Identity” online series about?

If we are to live full and satisfied lives, it is Lucinda’s belief that there are 3 main areas of identity that need addressing. If these are not understood within a Biblical framework of belief, then in her experience, we will often live diminished and small lives. This series is broken down into three interactive sessions. This group comes together, online, once a week on a Thursday evening at 20:00 – 21:00pm (GMT+2). In the first 40-45 minutes, Lucinda Smith helps us unpack the true meaning of Biblical Womanhood. The last 10 minutes are used for group discussion and sharing of our lives with one another.

How does a W@W Online Series work?

Starting: Thursday evening, 09 May 2019 at 20:00-21:00pm (GMT+2)

Language: English

Meeting time: 1 hour per week

Register here: https://app.womenatwork.online

Cost: Free to join an online group.

Other requirements: A study workbook will be provided at no cost.  A stable Internet connection is recommended via any Internet enabled device (i.e. laptop, desktop, tablet, phone). As an alternative you can also dial-in via telephone line.

Study Outline: Identity…

Week 1: WHO IS GOD?


Week 3: WHO AM I?

Other important information…

Day and Time

One hour online get-together via a platform called Zoom on a Thursday evening at 20:00-21:00am (GMT+2).


We use a platform called Zoom to connect online. Click on the link to download Zoom, there is no other requirement, once you’ve joined a group you will be issued with you Zoom ID. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@wow-womenatwork.com or watch this quick “how to” video on installing and running Zoom.

Course work

A study workbook will be available for download.


Please like our Facebook Page to receive the latest updates and information. Once you’ve joined the series you will be added to a closed WhatsApp group for weekly updates and discussions.

Example of weekly agenda

19:50pm: Login and establish Zoom connection

20:00pm: Welcome & Introduction

20:05pm: Presentation

20:45pm: Practical application and group discussion

20:55pm: Prayer requests for week (please also make use of our online APP to submit prayer requests anytime)

20:57pm: Group Admin / Announcements / Other Information

21:00pm: End

Experience what a W@W Online Series is all about!

Click on the links below to watch the amazing testimonies of women who participated in our online groups.

W@W Online Groups

W@W Online Ministry Intro

With One Voice

2018 Highlights

I want to join the W@W family, what do I do next?

We cannot wait for you to join one of our Online Groups. Please let us know that you are interested by signing up here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@wow-womenatwork.com.  We are looking forward to connect with you!