W@W Webinars are about lives being transformed by the grace of our Father God, all to the glory of His name. A W@W Webinar is an online gathering via a platform called ZOOM. It’s free, and a once off registration link provides you with access to the event.

Upon registration, you’ll receive an email with your special W@W Webinar ID. There are four easy steps to attending a W@W Webinar: 1) Register; 2) Ensure your device is connected to the Internet; 3) Click on the Webinar ID (link) received via email when you have registered; and 4) Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and let our Lord speak to your heart.

Sign-up & Connect



Kyk Op en Sien!

Karin's incredible testimony of holding on to God's promises, will encourage you to STOP en really SEE that there is hope and that our Heavenly Father's light shines brightly in die midst of darkness...