Fruit-bearing lives…


Ezekiel 36:26 (AMP): “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh”.


Let us be determined this week to:
Trust God for a heart transplant. God created us to live fruit-bearing lives that would glorify Him and advance His kingdom. But in order for us to experience His will and purpose for our lives, we need hearts that are Kingdom-focused, receptive to God’s guidance and soft towards others. This will require that we prioritise being in His Word, seeking His presence and trusting that He is in control of our lives. We truly can stand on His promises! That’s when His Word will transform our minds and hearts.
Receive and embrace God’s ability, and cease trying to live from our own strength or understanding. God promises us in Ezekiel 36 that He will give us not only a new heart, but many other wonderful blessings. The emphasis here is on HE will; not “We need to”. It’s His ability, not ours and His gift to us. To receive God’s provision and blessing, we need to surrender EVERY aspect of our lives into His hands – knowing that HE will use us as fruit-bearing vessels to proclaim His holy name (Ezekiel 22-23).


Father, may we live in the fullness of Your promises. May we cease trying to do things in our own ability, instead trusting that YOU will guide us to live fruit-bearing lives that will bring honour to Your holy name (Ezekiel 22-23). We are confident that YOU will renew, refresh and restore our lives and the land we live in (Ezekiel 24). YOU will wash us clean from our impurities and worldly-idols (Ezekiel 25); and YOU will change us from the inside out – giving us new hearts that are God-willed, and not self-willed (Ezekiel 26). We trust that YOU will put Your Spirit in us and make it possible for us to do what You tell us, so that we can live by Your commandments and bear fruit for Your kingdom (Ezekiel 27). Thank You that YOU are our God and we that we are Your people (Ezekiel 28). Thank You for the promise that YOU will deliver us when we cry out to You (Ezekiel 29); and that YOU will make the fruit of our hands abundant (Ezekiel 30). We trust You, we honour You and we love You.

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