Now take another look…


Jeremiah 33:3 (AMP): “CALL to Me and I will ANSWER you, and TELL you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish”.


New creations, renovation or restoration require change. To grow and progress in our journey through life, we need to understand where we are going, or we’ll get stuck in the familiarity of the known. In today’s scripture, our loving, Heavenly Father invites us to CALL to HIM for answers about the WAY forward – so that we can be renewed in His presence and love. God longs for us to look to Him for EVERYTHING in our lives (Matthew 6:33). He longs for us to live in right standing with Him – having a vibrant, active relationship with Him and seeking His presence in all we do (Deuteronomy 4:29; Romans 3:10-11; Hebrews 11:6). When we do this, we find ourselves pointing others to the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus our Saviour.

Let us be determined this week to:

CALL out to God. Our Lord promises to restore anything that is lost or broken; to rebuild the damaged parts of our lives to be “as good as new”. In His LOVE, He cleanses us from anything that is hindering us in our relationship with Him. And He is so good that He even promises to forgive our wrongdoings – and remember them no more (Hebrews 8:12; Isaiah 43:25). That’s the HEART of our HEAVENLY FATHER! That’s what LOVE does! If we love someone, we want to be with them. We want to regularly communicate with them. We want to know and understand their deepest heart’s desires. We want to honor and serve them – giving them the best that we have!

So, let us TAKE ANOTHER LOOK at the HEART of our King of kings and the Lord over our lives. He promises that when we CALL upon Him, He will reveal His marvelous and wonderful plans to us.

LISTEN as God reveals His plans for our lives – plans for thorough renovation, true healing and blessings inside and out. Communication is a two-way process. Let’s acknowledge our need for God’s miracle-working power in our lives (calling out to Him through prayer), and then let’s listen and be obedient as we move forward. God’s plan for us is a life that is whole and fruitful – brimming with grace, love, joy, hope and blessing toward others. He promises to TELL us amazing and spectacular things…. Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1) – He is our LIGHT for the way forward, the only TRUTH and our eternal HOPE!

We do not know what lies ahead in what may seem like an uncertain and unknown future; but let’s be intentional and consistent about CALLING out to our Lord! Let’s ASK Him to direct our journey, and to do a new thing in our lives. Our Lord’s heart is for restoration, and He has magnificent things in store for us!


Lord, thank You that Your love endures forever. Thank You for Your promises and for creating the way for us to journey through life under your blessing. We are taking ANOTHER LOOK back at our past, and we are looking FORWARD and trusting You for good health, healing, peace, protection and joy. We pray for restoration from bondage and lies, and the forgiveness of our sins. Please reveal to us the great and unsearchable things you have in store for us. Teach us Your ways as we serve, worship and honour You in all we do!

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