You Belong!
Genesis 1:27-28 (AMP): “So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them [granting them certain authority] and said to them: Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth…”
I love how the KJV Dictionary defines Family: “The collective body of persons who live in one house and under one head or manager; a household, including parents, children and servants, and as the case may be, lodgers or boarders. Or, those who descend from one common origin; a tribe or race; kindred; lineage. Thus the Israelites were a branch of the family of Abraham… The whole human race is the family of Adam, the human family”.
Marriage and family are super-important to our Father’s heart. They have always been central to His idea and design to create unity, order, stability, love and peace on earth. Marriages and families are a vital part (a cornerstone) of healthy societies; as life and love are nurtured in communities through strong family relationships. A healthy and strong nation is built upon strong communities; strong communities rely on the foundation of strong families; healthy and strong families grow around strong and loving marriages; and such marriages depend on two individuals who have an intimate relationship with God our Father.
Let us be determined this week to:
Study what the Bible says about marriage and family life. Let’s keep in mind that we are talking about family in the natural sense, as well as God’s heart and design for us as Christians, to be part of the church – “the family of God”!
Ask God to search our hearts and reveal anything in our beliefs about marriage or family that is not aligned to His original design; and any lies that could cause strongholds in our lives. It’s so easy to get distracted by what society or our friends say about marriage and family. As children of God, we are part of the most amazing family! Let’s keep going back to our Father, asking Him to refresh our thoughts and understanding regarding what it means to belong…
Pray for marriages, families and church-communities to be healthy, strong and loving. This is how we put the gospel on display! Let’s get back to Love as the core of our personal lives, our marriages, our families, our communities and ultimately our nations!
I had the great privilege of praying for marriages during the @SAMarriageWeek and would like to share an abbreviated version of the prayer with you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for creating a holy union, first of all between Yourself and us through Jesus. Father, we seek a personal, intimate relationship with You above all. Thank You, that healthy marriages and families were Your idea. Thank You that You ordained it and designed it to tell the story of the Gospel. Father, help us to not get stuck in the lies of this world or our culture, instead show us Your Truth. Help us to understand Your original design for our marriages and for our families. Father create a hunger in our hearts to seek Your will and plan for our marriages and families. Create a desire in us to evaluate the condition of our hearts. Lord, it’s so easy to point a finger at someone else, to play the blame game; but let revival start with us! O Jesus, come and do a new work in each of us that will overflow to our loved ones. Father, the prayer of our hearts is that our marriages and families will reflect Your love to a lost and broken world. Father, we pray for the restoration of broken relationships and families. We pray that you will restore ten-fold that which the enemy has stolen from us. I pray that You will fill us with Your love and strength, so that our healthy and strong families will provide a foundation to nourish our communities and influence our nations!
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