Reflecting the hope we have in Jesus!


Romans 15:13 (MSG): “Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!”


Let us be determined this week to:

Live in such a way that our lives speak of God’s sustaining grace. May we face each hurdle or challenge with hope and humility, always being prepared to share the reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15). May our lives radiate our Lord’s peace and joy, guiding others to seek and find the same truth, love, hope and grace in Jesus Christ.

Guard our hearts and thoughts because they direct our lives. In today’s fast-paced world, countless distractions compete for our attention. However, if our thoughts are pure and rooted in God’s truth, our actions will reflect that, leading to a life that honours God. To stay rooted and grounded in God’s truth, may we immerse ourselves in Scripture. Prioritise prayer, just like Jesus did, seeking God’s guidance and experiencing His provision (Psalm 62:8). Through persistent prayer, we align our hearts with His and receive His peace and joy. Let us spend time in His presence, slowing down to hear His voice and receive His guidance. As we do, He will faithfully lead us in every aspect of our lives.

Be grateful for the gift of doing life together, carrying each other’s burdens, supporting one another, and praying for each other. May we love deeply, knowing that it transforms us and reflects God’s heart to the world around us.


Father God, thank You that You chose us out of Your good character, to look intently at us, even though You know all of our flaws, our unbelief and shortcomings. Help us to open our eyes and look back into Yours in order for our hearts and minds to be transformed so that we can start to live the repentant, transformed lives that You want us to live. In Jesus’ beautiful name, we pray.

Dear Lord Jesus, Father, we just pray that we would continue to be still in Your presence, Lord Jesus, and that in our minds, we would continue to know that You, Lord our God, You alone are our God. Father, may we humbly submit to You, minute by minute and day by day, that we may be aware of Your beautiful presence and Your Holy Spirit and that You would lead us and guide us that we would take time for You, Father God, that we would commit to You, that we would prioritise You and that we would read Your Word so that it could light and illuminate our beautiful pathway, Father God. That we may be the few that find Your narrow pathway to life, Father God. We thank You that You give us life. We thank You that You give us the answer. And we pray, Lord Jesus, that we would have the self-disciplineand the self-control to choose it by the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Father God, we thank You for Your Word that is living and sharper than a two-edged sword. Help us always to abide in It, meditate on It, and speak It into every situation or trial that would come against us. Help us to be hearers, doers and bearers of Your Word. And may the things of this world fall away as we keep our eyes steadfast on You.

Father, You are so good! You actually want a relationship with us, that intimate, beautiful relationship. Praying to You is talking to You, and reading Your Word is You talking to us, and it works together. And we just thank You so much for wanting us to be one with You, the Creator of the world. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us to remember that You didn’t call us into this faith journey on our own to stand in isolation, to be just doing everything ourselves. Lord, You’ve called us into a community of the faithful. Lord, I pray that You’ll remind us today that You’ve called us to serve You in community with others. Lord, open our eyes, open our ears to opportunities to pray, to act in kindness towards others around us, Lord. In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen!

(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Willem, Heinz, Beth, Ginny and Kristen)

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