Returning to our First Love!
Revelation 2:4-5 (NIV): “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.”
Let us be determined this week to:
Return to our first love and initial passion for God. Despite our best efforts, the distractions, busyness, trials, temptations, doubts, disappointments, and pursuit of worldly things can lead us away from the intense love for God we once had in our hearts. Before we realise it, we may find ourselves talking more about God than to Him. So, let us pause and honestly reassess our time spent in God’s presence, prayer, and in His Word, and surrender and realign our lives with His will. Remember, as we seek God wholeheartedly and allow His Spirit to work within us, we can experience a renewed sense of passion and devotion for God. So, may our hearts be stirred with a deep desire to know God more intimately and to walk more closely with Him each day.
Remember, the Creator of the universe made us out of His infinite love for us. We bring Him immeasurable joy, and He longs for a close, intimate relationship with us. There truly is no greater honour than to dwell in His presence. Despite our struggles and mistakes, He forgives us and never stops pursuing us. So, may we never forget that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. He calls us by name and empowers us to live out our God-given identity as ambassadors of His Kingdom here on earth, representing His love, grace, kindness and truth in all we do. So, may we boldly declare, “Yes, Lord, Here I am. Use me and lead me to glorify Your holy name!”
At this moment, please join me in praying that our Father God will reveal Himself to us in a fresh way. May we enter into His presence, and if we have drifted from an intimate relationship with Him, let us ask Him to draw us close to Him once again!
Lord, we want our hearts restored. So, Lord, will You please convince our hearts? Can You capture our hearts again, Lord? And we acknowledge that we are at fault. We repent of the hardness of our hearts and say, please give us a heart of flesh in place of our hearts of stone. Convince our souls to the deepest corner so that we are not content with halfway, lukewarm Christianity. Show us who You are so we can give You what You deserve. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Father God, help us live out our identity and not conform to the world’s expectations of who we should be. If ever we forget our identity, please show us who we are through You. Thank You for calling us by name. Thank You for loving us regardless of what we have done. You see us truly for who we are. Please replace all our false narratives with Your truth, and help us to stand firm in the knowing that we are Your children and that You love us dearly. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Abba Father, thank You that You know of us, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. We praise You for that.
Thank You, Father, for Your Word and the wisdom that comes from You. Help us to truly realise that we are not only Your hands and feet on this earth but also Your voice. We love You, and we thank You for Your mercy and lovingkindness. May we be faithful through the power of Your Spirit, our Helper! To You the glory and the honour.
Father God, today we declare that You are worthy of all honour and praise. Your greatness surpasses our understanding, and Your love knows no bounds. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude as we kneel before You, recommitting our lives to You and proclaiming Your majesty and glory. Amen.
(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Janine, Marinda, Ingrid and Ina)
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