Becoming More Like Jesus!


John 15:1-4 (NIV): “I am the true vine, and My Father is the Gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in Me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.”


Let us be determined this week to:

Remember that the path of transformation is not without its trials. Just as a gardener prunes a plant to promote healthier and more robust growth, so too must we undergo periods of cutting back and reshaping. These moments of difficulty, though painful, are necessary to remove what hinders our spiritual growth and to foster the development of our true potential. May we learn to lean more on God’s strength and less on our own understanding. It is in these moments of pruning that our faith is deepened, and our character is refined. We are stripped of our superficial layers and are led to discover a heart more aligned with God’s will and purpose, which ultimately increases our fruitfulness and shapes us into vessels that glorify God. Let us never forget that we are never alone in this journey. Jesus, our Master craftsman, walks alongside us, moulding us into His likeness every step of the way. And through the pruning and refinement process, we learn to radiate His light to those around us!

Prioritise God above all else in our lives. When He holds the foremost place in our hearts, everything else falls into alignment. May we never cease seeking God’s guidance and wisdom to restore and lead us in obedience to His Word, teachings and values. May we be good and faithful servants and encourage those who long to follow our Lord in word and action.

Know that when we abide in the True Vine, we can trust that God will remain faithful in every circumstance. Even when we have not yet seen the results of our prayers, we can be confident that God is actively at work and nothing is beyond His ability. Let’s continuously praise the Lord for His never-ending love and limitless grace. His love sets us free, brings healing, helps us discover our purpose and restores our joy. Let’s stand in awe and worship Him, for He alone deserves all our honour and glory.


Dear Lord Jesus, help us remember that during times in our lives when we are being pruned, that we are being shaped for service to You, for You are worthy of all of our service, honour and praise. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Dear Lord Jesus, I speak Your life and Your Word over all of our situations that seem utterly hopeless and impossible in the natural. Father God, please stir up our faith and reignite flames and passion. Father God, no matter how dark something may look, as long as we focus on the light and keep our eyes fixed on You, Jesus. We can rejoice and be full of joy, Lord, and You can move mountains. Help us to bring our mustard seeds. Help us to move forward. Help us to walk and be obedient in Your ways. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.

Lord, help us to do what is right in Your eyes by restoring Your values and teachings in this world. Help us to encourage others, those who are in Your service.

O Heavenly Father, You are the greatest God and You’re the greatest Father. Thank You for blessing us with Your love. Thank You for putting that shield of protection around us. Thank You for being the greatest doctor, for healing all the scars, and for restoring and giving back our joy and our love and life, for giving us life. I praise Your name.

Father, we just thank You that You purify us with such care and patience so that we may reflect You and Your glory. We do pray today that as each one considers where we are in our walk with You, whether it’s been a long walk or a short walk, You will reveal to us if there is any hard rock that needs to be broken, Lord, whether there are any impurities that need to boil up to the top and be removed so that we are able to reflect Your beauty, Your glory and be used by You in a mighty way. Thank You, Lord, that You never forsake us and never leave us when we face trials and difficulties of many kinds. And that You promise to always be with us. Thank You that You have a purpose for us in our life on this earth. We pray that we will reflect You each day in all that we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Monique, Debbie, Jannie, Alison and Kristen)

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