How He Loves Us!


Psalm 139:13-16 (ESV): “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in Your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”


Let us remember this week that:

God loves us so very much! He created us in His likeness and invites us into a life of purpose and joy as we put our trust in Him. When we accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross to pay the price for our sins, the Holy Spirit of God enters our hearts and lives. We come to understand that God’s love is unconditional and limitless. It’s a selfless and sacrificial love that is hard to comprehend. This realisation helps us to better understand our identity in Christ. God created each of us intentionally, and uniquely in His image. By grounding ourselves in God’s Word and seeking Him, we can understand our true value and purpose, and we can grow in our faith. So, as we mature in our walk with Jesus, let us share God’s immeasurable love with others. May we remain persistent in sharing the good news and inviting others to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God’s love is not a secret to be kept, so let us boldly share the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord.

God knows every detail, every challenge, every hurt, and every win in our lives. In moments when we feel discouraged, we can rely on God to give us strength, courage and resilience to overcome doubt, obstacles and hardships. Regardless of the magnitude of our problems, we can have faith that God will guide us and lead us to victory. To do this, we must trust in God’s promises (Hebrews 10:36); follow Jesus’ example in enduring temptation and suffering (Hebrews 12:2); persevere in prayer (Luke 18:1); keep seeking God; remain faithful to our Lord; admit our weaknesses; repent of our sins; trust in God’s faithfulness and power; worship Him through song and praise; and run our race with perseverance. By emulating Jesus and relying on the Holy Spirit, we can take one step at a time towards the finish line and become more like Him every day.

Each day of our lives is written in God’s book. Even the hidden years – the seasons of waiting and growth – are sacred and significant in our spiritual journey. We live in a society that values instant results and immediate gratification, but it’s important to remember that spiritual growth doesn’t happen overnight. Just as a seed needs time to grow and mature before it bears fruit, our development requires patience and perseverance. We can find joy and contentment in the process, knowing that God is with us every step of the way. May we let go of our own timelines and agendas, and our fears, worries and despair, and trust in God’s plan. He created us wonderfully and for a specific purpose. He is at work – moulding and shaping us to be all He created us to be.


Father, we thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We thank You that You orchestrated our conception. You deemed us worthy of laying down Your life. We know that Your value infinitely surpasses our value and yet You gave Your very self. You treated us as the pearl of great price. Out of our eternal gratitude we live to serve and honour You in love.

Oh gracious Heavenly Father, we thank You for opening our eyes and making us aware that You’ve asked us to go and to share Your message with others. As Christians, that is our responsibility. I ask that the Holy Spirit would come on each and every one of us – giving us boldness to step out, share our faith, share who You are, and walk somebody through the plan of salvation. Lord, we don’t want to go to heaven and know that we missed an opportunity to share heaven and eternity with somebody and that they may be in hell. We ask You to lead us. Give us boldness. Lord, we thank You, we love You and we adore You. All this we ask in Your Son Jesus Christ’s name.

Lord Jesus, You know each of us to the very core of our being. You know our temptations, our shortcomings, and our failures, but You continue to love us. We thank You that even though our salvation occurs instantly when we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and become our Saviour, we have a long way to go.  You are patient with each of us, as we endure. You are patient as we seek to become more like you. Indeed Lord, we give You permission to remove anything in our lives that is not of You. May each of us become more and more like Jesus with each passing day. In Jesus’ precious name.

Oh precious Father, may we remember that You are who You are when we face a crisis. You are what we need most, and we need to go to You first.  We should cry out to You with our troubles – being specific about what we are going through even though You already know.  And let us praise and thank You for what only You can do, and what only You are going to do. And this is all because of the death and resurrection of our Saviour Jesus.  In His name we pray.

Lord, thank You for this reminder that You are always at work behind the scenes. You will never, ever leave us even though we sometimes feel uncertain, even though we feel so much anxiety, even though we sometimes don’t know what’s going to happen, even though we feel so powerless and overwhelmed by everything beyond our control. Thank You for reminding us that You are always at work. Lord, help us to understand that Your ways are not our ways. Grant us the patience, grant us the wisdom, and grant us the peace and calmness to feel and live according to Your rhythms. To wait patiently and to know that these liminal spaces are not wasted time, they are not wasted, because through them, You create in us a new character, a new person, and in them, our identity is formed. Amen.

(This WRAP is with great appreciation towards Melorie, Elizabeth, Willem, Jannie and Denise)

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