What is your Why?
1 John 4:18-19 (AMP): “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love]. We love, because He first loved us.”
Let us be determined this week to:
Bring our questions before the Lord. He knows everything about us, including our successes, failures, doubts, fears; and our emotional, physical, spiritual, or financial shortcomings. May we remember that God loves us despite our fears, worries and disappointments. That is who He is, our ever-loving, ever-forgiving Father. May we seek Him to discover our purpose and our ‘why’. May we realise that God has given us “a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline, abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control” – as stated in 1 Timothy 1:7. As our Lord does this, let’s aim to respond in a Godly manner rather than reacting to our circumstances. Let us show unconditional love and perfect acceptance to others. May love always prevail over fear in our lives. May our relationships be grounded in love, trust and compassion, as well as wholeness, safety and contentment. May we ask God to help us reflect His love and light! May we live out our faith by allowing God’s love to guide our thoughts, actions, responses and relationships. Our help always comes from our Lord. We can look up to Heaven and see Him, knowing that God is for us, and He is with us. He is our rock-solid foundation, our strength, our hope, our source of joy, the place where we find rest, safety and everlasting peace. May we know that God looks upon us with compassion, grace and unconditional love – now and forevermore! When we seek God wholeheartedly, He will provide us with the strength, peace, joy, wisdom and victory we need for each day!
Prioritise our time in God’s Word. As believers, we must ask ourselves if we are truly prioritising God and His Kingdom first or if we are simply lukewarm in our faith. God’s Word is our “Life Assist,” and we should cling to it always. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we must stay the course that the Lord has set before us, not turning to the left or right. By looking to God’s Word, we can find truth, direction and correction. The answers to our ‘why’ questions are found in God’s Word. By allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our steps, we can be sure that we are on the right path. Let us clothe ourselves with the armour of God as we go about our days; and let us always remember that God’s Word is the light onto our path that keeps us moving in the right direction. (Psalm 37:23-24)
Take time to understand Whose we are. By asking the ‘why’ question and spending time before our Lord and in His Word, we are reminded that, “We are who God says we are.” We are not what the world or others dictate, or even what we may think of ourselves. When we look in the mirror, we should see a beautiful child of the King, someone God delights in, a vessel for ministry, a holy jewel, and a chosen, loved, perfect and special treasure of God. Seeing ourselves as God sees us allows us to smile, have hope for the future and know that serving and loving our Lord is our ultimate purpose – the answer to our ‘why’.
Our precious Heavenly Father, thank You that You keep on calling us, reminding us that You want a relationship with us – that we need You in our lives. Thank You, Lord, for never giving up on us. You keep on knocking. I pray, Lord, that all those listening today will realise that they need You. That through the death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, there is forgiveness for all of us, and that if we repent, You will come in and dine with us. Thank You for being merciful to us, Lord. Be with each one of us today.
Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You so much for who You are. We pray that You will help us embrace who You are and Your Word in our everyday lives, minute by minute. Help us to know You are for us, Jesus. You look upon us and You love us. We pray that You will help us to be accountable, vulnerable, and open, as we do life with other believers. We thank You that we don’t have to strive in our own strength. We have the power and authority of Your Holy Spirit inside of us, and through that we can bear much fruit. In Jesus’ name.
Abba Father, thank You for this moment to set the world aside, come into Your presence, and hear Your voice speaking over us, “My beloved. Hephzibah. Keli Kodesh. My own Segulah.” Abba, help us to walk away from words that break us down, from thoughts fuelled by the enemy telling us that we’re not good enough. Abba, we will walk forward from this day onward in the knowledge that You have this beautiful word that You speak when You look at each one of us. We are Yours. We are Your special treasure. You call us, “Segulah.” You are our King and we love You.
Abba Father, we thank You for who You are. We thank You that You provided a way for us to navigate through this world. Thank You for Your love, salvation, mercy and grace. Thank You for Your Word that provides truth, direction and correction. Thank You for a way to communicate with You through prayer, and for the Holy Spirit who lives in us and guides us. Thank You for the armour that protects us. Mostly Lord, we thank You for Your son Jesus Christ who died for all of us. When we choose Jesus we can spend eternity in Heaven. We love You and praise You in Jesus’ name.
Father God, we are so excited to serve You. We are so privileged to enjoy a safe space where we can just be who we truly are in Your love. Your love perfects us. Not the perfection of the world, Lord, but the perfection of knowing that we are good enough. Father, we pray that You will slowly but surely remove, declutter and de-poison our hearts of fear, or anything else that is limiting our freedom to grow and expand in Your love. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
(This WRAP is with great appreciation towards Gerdi, Lisa, Ina, Lydia and Kristen)
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