Growing in our prayer life!


Colossians 1:9-10 (NET): For this reason we also, from the day we heard about you, have not ceased praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may live worthily of the Lord and please him in all respects – bearing fruit in every good deed, growing in the knowledge of God”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Prioritise prayer. We can never underestimate the value of our quiet time with God. Can you recall the last time that God met you, that you earnestly cried out to Him? We so easily get distracted during our time with our Heavenly Father, and yet that is the most crucial time of our day. May we follow Jesus’ example and find a secluded place where we can genuinely fellowship with our Father. Returning to our thin holy places, we allow God to remove any idols that may hinder us from wholeheartedly seeking Him. God is always there, ready to listen and to embrace us with His wisdom, love and care. Let us be remembered for what we pray, not what we do!

Pursue spiritual growth. Our potential can be limited by our self-doubt, our insecurities, or being swayed by the wisdom of the world… However, as we live more aware of God’s presence, we receive His strength and His protection over us. Let us stop living mediocre lives but instead remain anchored and rooted in Jesus and bear fruit for His Glory as we are transformed into being more and more like Him.


Dear Lord, we are so thankful that You teach us – even about things we thought we knew everything about. We’re praying that You would teach us to pray – to pray for others, to know Your Heart and to honour Your Word.

Father God, please guide us back to Bethel. Help us earnestly and wholeheartedly seek sacred places, and pause to meet with You in our everyday lives. I believe it is time that we intentionally incorporate thin places into our daily spiritual walk.

Father, we want to thank You for Your Word. Thank You that it is always fresh, and it’s new every day. Lord, we know we should keep digging, and sometimes we are so close to the water, but we get tired. I want to encourage these people to keep on praying, and keep on digging, so that we can find Your cool, freshwater – the living water that changes lives and the world for the better.

Dear Lord, we know that voice in our minds that breaks us down. It’s the voice that tells us to be less than You made us to be. Will You please make us spiritually strong? We know that this year will have lots of wind and waves, but if we are anchored in Your love, we can survive and flourish amid the chaos. Holy Spirit, remind us of Jesus’ love and sacrifice so that we may reach our full potential in Your Kingdom. Amen.


(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Viola, Suria, Marike & Jannie)

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