Re-surrender for fresh transformation!


Romans 12:1 (NIV): “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Discover how God makes all things new! In life we go through some difficult or hurtful situations… But let us remember that we should allow God to use these times for our good – smoothing the rough spots, and knocking off the chunks that were not created by Him. May we allow God to paint our hearts and minds with His beauty, His light, His Holy Spirit. And may we then rise and shine, producing Kingdom fruit that brings richness to the world around us, encouraging and uplifting those we meet. May we, as we abide in the True Vine, allow God to transform us daily to be more and more like Jesus.

Re-surrender our hearts, souls and minds into the loving and caring hands of our Heavenly Father. Sacrifice means to give up, to hand over, to surrender all. May we reflect on whether our internal reality matches what we profess on the outside. Are we fully surrendered to God? Are we truly obedient to God’s call – ready to do what He asks of us? Have we made ourselves available so that He can use our ‘little’ (our ‘nobody’ status, our weakness) and turn it into something AMAZING (something new, someone who lives and breathes for God and the advancement of His Kingdom)? Let’s be ready today to sacrifice, to surrender our lives to honour and worship our Heavenly Father!

Be found in the presence of God… firmly planted in His eternal vineyard and ready to yield fruits of joy, peace and love… for all eternity! Where there is FAITH… there is LOVE… Where there is LOVE… there is PEACE… Where there is PEACE… there GOD is… And where God is… there is ETERNAL LIFE! (1 Corinthians 13:13) May we dwell in the presence of our Almighty God. May we seek Him and see Him in everything. May we learn from Him and allow Him to fill us afresh with His holy peace, joy, love and eternal hope!


Oh Lord, I cry out to You that You would touch our hearts. I pray that You would do a mighty heart transplant in each person hearing the sound of my voice today. Father, fuel a deep desire in each and every one of us to constantly seek Your face in everything we do. Create in us a new heart, oh God. Father we pray as You do this, that we would say “Yes Lord” – to be used mightily by You in Your kingdom and for Your glory.

Lord Jesus, I bow down and adore You for the living sacrifice You made for us on the cross. You gave up the riches of heaven to walk as a man on this wretched earth, and in our broken world. You allowed Yourself to be beaten, mocked and crucified on our behalf. How can we withhold anything from You? It’s difficult, and sometimes we battle with our flesh, but please give us an obedient heart. Help us to be like Abraham, willing to sacrifice whatever You want and ask from us.

Our Father, we thank You so much for Your Word. It’s a wonderful Word, it’s the Holy Truth Lord! Protect us Lord. Lead and guide us through these extraordinary crisis days for the whole globe. Help us Lord. Place Your hand upon us and lead us through it.

Father thank You for Your faithfulness. Our hearts are so grateful that we can trust in You, knowing that You are our Creator. Help us to have faith in the unseen, trusting You in every step that we take. May our lives reflect our deep love for You and the faith we have in Your Word.

Heavenly Father, we enter Your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts. We thank You that we can draw near to Your throne of Grace with confidence. We thank You that we are Your children. We can be in Your presence and enjoy Your love and comfort, and we can feast on all the promises You give us. We ask You that You would keep changing our hearts, and that You would give us Your heart for the needy and the lost. Help us to be obedient to the call to spread the gospel to a lost world; and to make disciples of all people. Would you help us to be obedient to your call. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Willem, Kassima, Rumbie, Nicole & Marisa)

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