Finding our joy, hope and purpose in Jesus…


Proverbs 9:10 (MEV): “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Find our FREEDOM in Jesus! Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we are covered by His precious blood and placed in right standing with God! We do not need to strive for God’s forgiveness or for His love – we already have it! How beautiful to rest in the knowledge that Jesus came to set us free. We have good reason to worship God for being our Great I Am! Because of Jesus, we can rest assured that nothing can ever separate us from the love, grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Even when life is difficult – or when we fail – we can find peace in the truth that Jesus has paid the full price for our iniquities. May we have repentant, fully devoted hearts – recognising DAILY that apart from God we can do nothing.

Find our JOY in Jesus! God’s Word assures us that the joy of the Lord is our strength… God is the creator of joy and He has gifted us with the ability to respond joyfully! Knowing this sets us apart to reflect the beauty of the gospel to those around us!

Find our PURPOSE in Jesus! May we never underestimate the power of words and kind deeds. Serving, praying for and loving others bring joy! May we study God’s Word – immersing ourselves in His instructions and principles. As we obey and apply this source of true wisdom in our lives, we find meaning and glorify God in all we say and do. May we shine our lights for His Kingdom purposes!


Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You! You are not looking at our works, but at Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, Your only Son. Thank You so much that we don’t have to strive every day, and we don’t have to live trying to please You. We can come to You based not on our merits, but on Jesus’s sacrifice.

Lord, thank You that we know You are in control – heaven rules – You are in control of everybody’s lives! Lord, I want to ask You to help each of us really to live ‘lite’, to give our burdens to You, so that we can be a shining light to everybody around us.

Holy Spirit, I just want to thank You for Your empowerment. Jesus, I want to thank You for the truth of Your Word. Father, I want to thank You for the authority of who You are, and Your sovereignty. Thank You that we can lean on You in times of private prayer, in times of anguish and crying out to You. We can do that, because we have access to You – because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Thank you for that bold access. Because of it, we can walk into our families, our workplaces, our places of ministry; and we can be publicly effective.

Lord, we will rejoice this day and be glad – because Your grace, Your peace, Your love and Your joy are with us. We ask that Your joy will fill our hearts with gladness in the coming week.

Father, I thank You for the privilege of knowing You. Thank You Lord, that You have spoken into our lives and continue to do that. You draw people to a saving knowledge of You, of Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You that in these uncertain and turbulent times, we know that we can cling to You as our source of wisdom. I pray Lord that You would help us to do that. Amen.


(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Willem, Janine, Mike, Suria & Kristen)

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