Seasons come and go… BUT we have a Firm Foundation!


Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (AMP): “There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven – A time to be born and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to throw away stones and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to search and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to keep silent and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Embrace every season in our lives. As we reflect upon our 2020 season… May we ask God to show us which ‘life-balls’ we may have dropped – those areas where we didn’t excel, or perhaps gave up on, or didn’t pay enough attention to. Let’s ask Him to reveal to us the areas and things we need to let go – the obstacles in our way – so that we can move forward, growing in our faith and into all our Lord has created us to be. Let’s ask God to give us an eternal perspective on the blessing of having Him as our rock-solid foundation. Let’s ask Jesus to fill us afresh each morning with His life-giving water that sustains us. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to lead and direct us in each and every season – so that we may understand our purpose as we move from one to the next. May we also recognise and acknowledge the individuals God has placed in our paths in each season – so that their lives will be blessed by the fruit of our obedience.

Yes, we all felt some loss during 2020… BUT God has a greater plan… When we are firmly planted, deeply rooted and soundly built upon God’s SOLID FOUNDATION, our lives can represent Him and lead others to the TRUTH and GOOD NEWS of the gospel. That is when we experience our Lord – our good-good Shepherd; our source of rest; our provider; the One who loves and comforts us; the One that holds time and seasons in the palm of His hands.

So, may we allow our Father God to grow bigger and bigger in the seasons of our lives, so that His light and glory can shine brighter than ever before! May we all be trees, putting down our roots by the ‘living-waters’; blooming in season; not fearing being barren; and always rejoicing in the One – our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. As for in and through Him we lack nothing!


Dear Lord, we just thank You for who You are in our lives. We thank You that You are our cornerstone, that You are the Chief Person in our lives. You are the One that we depend on, that we are growing in, and that our foundation is built upon. We love You so much Jesus. I pray for each person, I thank You for each of them. Each person has a different story Lord, each of them is going through different things; but right now Lord, we thank You that we can rely on You. We thank You Lord for depositing things in our lives. We pray that these things will not be removed, but will stay within us and grow… and that we will be able to depend on You 100% going into this new season – into 2021 and beyond. We love You so much God, we’re so grateful for all that You have done for us. (Zach)

Lord, thank You that You are willing and that You want to be our coach, that you want to help us to handle life situations the correct way. You want to teach us how to trust You. Thank You that You are a good Coach. Help us, show us and open our eyes so that we can see which balls we always miss or hit the wrong way. Open our eyes, that we can see patterns in our lives, the ‘Egypt’ in our lives – so that we can change our behavior and focus on what You want us to do, instead of on the things we want to fall back on like the Israelites. We pray Lord that You will be with us in this festive season, and Lord thank You for this opportunity to pray together. (Retha)

Father God, thank You that You are good, thank You that You are faithful. Thank you Lord that You stand unmoved, unshaken and unchanged in all of Your ways. Thank You Father God, for being our Good Shepherd, and thank You that in You and through You we lack no good thing.

Come and let us read and pray Psalm 23 over us today: “The Lord is my Shepherd, and I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters. He refreshes my soul, He guides me along the right paths for His name sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows. Surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen. (Nicole)


(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Zach, Retha and Nicole)

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