Peace be with You!


Philippians 4:8-9 (AMP): “Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [centre your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. The things which you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things [in daily life], and the God [who is the source] of peace and well-being will be with you.”


Let us be determined this week to:
Desire an authentic and intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father! When we thirst to know and love God more deeply, we find ourselves yearning to spend more time in prayer and petition before Him. We can’t help ourselves studying and meditating on His Word; and bringing our earnest worship and praise before Him. That is when our loving Heavenly Father draws near to us; when Jesus reveals truth to us; and when the Holy Spirit equips and encourages us to live in and through His strength. As God fills us with His love, His peace and His Words of life – may it give us courage to die to ourselves, to speak truth from our hearts; to serve our Lord with excitement, passion and zeal; and to share the Good News everywhere until the day of His return!
Receive the gift of remembrance and truth that points us to the promises and hope of Jesus. Trying times often trigger fear, worry, stress, and anxiety in us. But let us take heart today: Jesus has already overcome the world (John 16:33). It’s His light that illuminates all darkness, anxiety and worry. It’s His light that reveals the truth that displaces our fear, or sinful desires. It’s His light that sparks passion in our hearts to love Him more dearly and to entrust every aspect of our lives to Him as we serve and glorify Him. So, let’s keep planting His truth deep in our hearts: Jesus is our Prince of peace and light in the darkness; He is our stronghold and place of refuge; He is for us and always with us; He is constant in His faithfulness and in His Word. He is loving, kind and gracious; He loves us unconditionally; and He is our Lord and Savior, forever.


Lord Jesus, we thank You that You have invited us to confess the truth about the place we are in, the fears that we have, and the realities that we’re facing. Thank You that in this place, You speak Your truth to us, over us and around us. And in repentance, we simply turn toward what is true and we begin to live out of that. So, we thank You that You’re a God who engages with us. Would You come and speak to us? (Carrie)

It’s in those moments when You take over, that life becomes easy because we do not need to be in control or have all the answers. Your Word says to us, “Come to Me, you who are weary, My yoke is easy and My burden is light”. You are the one carrying us through everything. We just need to start trusting You and moving deeper into a relationship with You. Father, change our hearts so that we will open up, and be vulnerable – and allow You to change us for the better. (Willem)

Abba Father, thank You for the free gift of eternal life; and that we do not have to do good things to deserve it: it is free. Thank You that we do not have to try and be a good person. Thank You for the peace and the abundant life that we have in You; and that we no longer have to live in fear. Please be with us all and help us to have a personal relationship with You. (Karin)

Let’s not allow distraction to diminish our passion for Him and for His Word. Let’s aim to finish well. Let’s ask Him every morning, “Lord, will I see You today, will You come today?” May our great desire be “Amen, come Lord Jesus come”. May our constant prayer be “Lord, help us to return to our first love: to love You, to love Your Word, and to love Your people”. We eagerly look forward to Your return. May our heart, soul and body cry out, “MARANATHA, Amen, come Lord Jesus come!” (Yadira)

Father, I thank You that we can ask You to teach us to have Your Word in our mouths! Help us to speak Your Word into our situations, and to meditate and think about things that are pleasing to You. And I thank You that the God of peace is with us. Amen. (Martie)


(This WRAP is with great appreciation towards Martie, Karin, Yadira, Carrie and Willem)

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