Praising God regardless…


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV): “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.


Let us be determined this week to:
Know that nothing will stand in the way of God’s plan for us. God is faithful and good. Let us find a reason to praise God – asking Him to fill us with peace and joy! Let us be found on our knees praying and giving thanks to God regardless of our circumstances!! Let us boldly ask God to do something new in our lives! Let us ask God to show us the bigger picture He has in store for us, and for His plans to prevail in our lives.
Understand that the best legacy we can leave is loving God and loving His people! As the world around us grows more and more self-centered, filled with pride, lust and the pursuit of material pleasures; may we be whole-hearted in loving God and allowing His love to overflow into the lives of those around us! May we not just ‘walk past’ our neighbors, but notice and love on them, as Jesus loves us.
Lift up our eyes towards the One who knows the beginning from the end. How different would our thoughts and understanding be, if we completely trusted God’s promises over our lives? What could happen if we don’t get stuck in the ‘here and now’ (the things we see right in front of us)? What if we simply obey God’s promptings and instructions to serve and glorify Him? What if we are faithful with the little we have, and God entrusts us with more and more? What if we rise up as Kingdom warriors, fighting the good fight of faith? What if we surrender all to God, so that our lives become a tapestry of God-colors – bringing love, light, peace, hope and life into the world around us?

May joy and peace fill our hearts and minds. May our lives be founded on prayer. And in the midst of everything, may we always give thanks, for our Father God is good and His love endures forever.


Father, I want to thank You today, that we don’t have to look at our circumstances or our situations. We want to look forward to what You can do! Thank You that You are a miracle working God. Thank You that You perform miracles every day. Thank You that You say in Your Word: “I will do something new.” We are excited about the something new that You want to do in our lives. (Martie)

Please open our eyes and help us to seek the signs of Your presence in our lives. We desperately want to trust that Your plans will help us to move forward. Fill us afresh with Your hope, peace and perseverance. (Karine)

Thank You God, that You are an awesome God! Through the ages, You have been unmoved, and You have had Your plan. You have a purpose, and we have the privilege to be part of that plan. Regardless of what life will throw at us, regardless of the circumstances around us, Your Word and Your plan will prevail. We thank You for this, in Jesus’ Name. (Michael)

O Father God, we know that You’re a God of love; and love can only come from You. Lord we know that we need to lift up our eyes, because the fields are ripe for harvest! We ask You to impress upon our hearts what You desire to do in us and through us – so that we are able to love with Your love. We know You have given us Your Spirit, and the very first fruit of the Spirit is love. Lord, we ask that You help us to yield to You, to submit to You, to allow Your love to flow through us. Lord, we thank You for equipping us to love as You love. (Vicki)

Father, we pray that You would help us not to react, but to respond in thanksgivingpraising You regardless of our circumstances. The TRUTH of Your Word shows us that You will never leave of forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8; Joshua 1:9); You are good and Your love endures forever (Psalm 107 :1; Isaiah 54:10); You will instruct and teach us the way to go forward (Psalm 32:8; Proverbs 3:5-6); You listen and answer when we cry out to You; You will be found next to us when we seek to be in Your presence (Luke 11:9-13; Jeremiah 29:13); and You are our stronghold and mighty fortress in our hour of need (Psalm 17:1, 18:2; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 9:9-10). We do not have to fear, because Jesus, You are our Victorious Saviour. You have already overcome the world (John 16:33; Exodus 14:14; Isaiah 41:13, 43:2; Psalm 23:4); Your grace is sufficient, and Your power is brought to perfection when we surrender all to You (2 Corinthians 12:9-10; Ephesians 3:16-19). You will renew our strength and help us to not grow weary but endure till the end (Isaiah 40:29-31); and You are our source of hope, peace, love, joy and eternal life (Jeremiah 29:11; Philippians 4:6-9; John 3:16).

So God, to You be all praise and glory, and wisdom, and thanks, and honour, and power and strength – now and forever. (Revelation 7:12) (Mariana)


(This WRAP is with great appreciation towards Karine, Martie, Vicki and Michael)

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