Called to live victorious lives!


Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT): “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take”.


Let us seize every opportunity to:
Renew our minds and examine the condition of our hearts. Our thoughts can sometimes get the better of us, causing us to be fear- or guilt-driven. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus has come that we may have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10). This promise gives us the assurance that we do not need to fear persecution or struggle; we do not need to camp under a cloak of guilt; or fret in the face of uncertainty. Let’s ask ourselves: Who is in control of our lives? What words do we use to describe our lives? What is the condition of our hearts? Are we reacting in fear or do we let go and invite God to guide us on the path He has for us? When we surrender our whole self to the Lord, we give Him the opportunity to light the path ahead of us and show us the way! Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to renew our minds so that we can take thoughts that lead us away from God captive. Let’s trust Him to recondition our hearts and minds so that we can live healthy, life-bearing, purpose-filled lives (Proverbs 4:20-23).
Live victorious lives based on God’s will and the hope that is set before us. Because of Jesus’ glorious VICTORY, through His death and resurrection, we have HOPE to stand on, which helps us to remain FAITHFUL to the end. God’s grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). We are more than conquerors through Jesus who loves us unconditionally (Romans 8:37). We, therefore, can live victorious lives to the glory of God. So, let us remember that we are chosen, set apart and called. God created us for something significant, something eternal, something that matters. May we overcome our habit of sliding back into our comfort zones. God has anointed us and wants us to grow into all He created us to be. Jesus is our Victorious Savior. May we live in the eternal victory He has won for us through underserved grace. May we step into our calling and use the special gifts and talents we have so freely received. May we all declare today: “Yet, I will serve and love the Lord with gladness, all the days of my life!”


Lord Jesus, I want to thank You and honour You for the practical analogy You use to remind us that we should start with small things; as faith also starts with the small things that lead to something bigger in Your Kingdom. Lord, help us to make the right decisions, even our micro decisions, so that they will speak of Your goodness, kindness, forgiveness, love and patience. Help us to reflect Your character in a world that so desperately needs it. Help us with all our decisions throughout the day. May we honour You and be a blessing to everyone around us. (Barbara-Marie)

Lord, thank You that we can surrender our lives to You, and that we can know that our steps are in Your hands. Help us to live lives that are wise. Help us to think about the words that we speak. Lord, help us to realise that You are in control. We declare again today that we believe that You are in control! Thank You that we can rest in this knowledge. (Retha)

Thank You Lord for always going before us. You ask us to surrender all, because You surrendered all. You ask us to be willing to face persecution, because You suffered the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, overcoming evil and death through Your glorious resurrection. Your victory gives us hope in the bleakest and darkest of circumstances. Please push back the powers of darkness; and bring consolation to the weary, the desperate and the broken-hearted. Bring Your balm of healing to wounded bodies and souls. Please bring justice to those perpetrating evil – that the terror may cease and that your peace may reign, and Your name be forever glorified. (Mary-Anne)

Faithful Father, thank You that Your creation does not stop at my idea of destruction. Thank You that I can rest in the knowledge that You reign in both the desolate wasteland and the flourishing garden. Lord, we know that You are King of our lives and that You conquered the grave. There is nothing that can separate us from Your love. Dumbstruck or scared as we may become, we know that there’s no confusion that You cannot redeem. Father, we might not always immediately see victory. Would You strengthen our hearts and minds to endure on this path, fixing our eyes on You, choosing a relationship with You, and holding fast to Your victory! (Rianca)

Father, thank You that we can be called “children of God”. You have called us, set us apart and specifically gifted us to serve You and glorify You in all we do. Thank you for the gifts, talents, skills and blessings you give us so freely. Help us to be good stewards of that which you have entrusted to us. Because of Jesus, we can live our lives according to the plan and purpose You have for us. May the power of Your Spirit give us wisdom and equip us to glorify You and advance Your Kingdom here on earth. Give us the courage to overcome every obstacle that threatens to keep us from living out our calling. We love You and honour You. We pray this in Your Holy Name. Amen. (Michelle)


(This WRAP is with great appreciation towards Rianca, Mary Anne, Retha, Michelle and Barbara-Mari)

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