RE-Ceive the Light of Life

When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.
John 8:12 (NIV)

Day 1: RE-ALIGN your will to the will of God
with Gerdi van den Berg

Let us celebrate our source of light and life! As we stand transparent before the king of Kings, may we open our hearts to God and draw near to Him without fear! Jesus longs to fulfil every need we have, so this Christmastime, let us unwrap the gift He offers and welcome His LIGHT of LIFE and TRUTH into every area of our lives.
Hebrews 4:12-15

Day 2: RE-ESTABLISH yourself in Christ
with Lucinda Smith

When we place Jesus at the core of who we are, He gives us a sure sense of identity. When we accept God as Father in our lives, we become children of the Most High, set apart from the world to shine His light!
Isaiah 9:6

Day 3: RE-GAIN your hope and RE-THINK your walk with God
with Sherell Diane

Faith in God is inherent to the HOPE we have in God. Keeping hope in our hearts helps us to remain faithful in trusting our Heavenly Father and grateful towards Jesus for blessing us with eternal life!
Luke 2

Day 4: RE-ST in Jesus
with Jack Martin

Instead of racing for the finish line this year, rather tread gently, go slowly, and seek small moments of silence to be still before Jesus. The REST He offers is whole and complete. It ushers us into the love and grace of God. May that be the kind of rest and peace you find in Jesus this festive season.
John 16:33

Day 5: RE-FLECT on Christ’s life
with Mariana Carroll

May we REMEMBER the reason for our celebrations as we REFLECT on that Holy Night when our dear Saviour was born… Not only were the stars shining brightly, but we received the Light of Life – the Promise of Heaven! So may we fall to our knees and sing an anthem with the angels: “Our King is born! Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. Glory to God in the highest Heaven and peace on earth to those with whom He is well pleased!”
Luke 2:14



 If you require any prayer, please contact us via E-Mail: