At the feet of Jesus!


Luke 10:38-39 (AMP): “Now while they were on their way, Jesus entered a village [called Bethany], and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was continually listening to His teaching”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Position ourselves at the feet of Jesus to learn from Him. This is an intentional decision and it’s about setting aside TIME: time to read our Bibles – to learn more about God and His promises for us; time to pray – speaking to our Father, being in union with Him, and listening for His voice; time to love and honour our Lord for His abundant goodness and blessings; time to be still and focus on Him; time to be filled and satisfied with God’s great love; time to let the Holy Spirit lead us, teach us and make things plain to us; and time to experience the presence of the One who is our first love and the foremost priority of our lives.

Never compromise our love and devotion to God – not even for good deeds. Life is in Jesus! It is only at His feet – spending time in His presence, and having a close, intimate relationship with Him – that we will find the true source of Life. In finding Him, we realise that NOTHING else matters – because in Jesus we lack nothing. He fills us with an abundance of life-giving energy, hope, peace, and love – forever!

Deliberately choose the best position to be in (like Mary (Luke 10:42)). Let’s sit down, attentively, before our Lord and Saviour, absorbing His every Word and action… Learning from Him, seeking His guidance and direction for our lives, and letting Him fill us with Life!


Lord, You are our safe place of strength, health, wholeness, blessing, favour, joy, grace, mercy, protection, care, love, peace, confidence, and vitality… You are our source of life and hope! In and through You we find ourselves. We find our true calling, and the abundant life You promised us. May we stay in our position at Your feet – soaking up your revelation-words of Life! Teach us Jesus to live in single-minded pursuit of You – loving, honouring and worshipping You in all we do – forever!

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