God-first living…

** With special thanks to Angela, Marisa, Elena and Carrie.


Psalm 91:1 (AMP): “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]”.


Let us be determined to live God-first lives, led by Jesus and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let us be determined this week to:

Serve an audience of One. When we put God first, we serve Him so that He gets the credit – not us, our ministries or anybody else – but just Him.

Live lives that will honour God in everything. This means putting God on display in everything we do, say and think. It’s sometimes hard, but let’s truly honour our Father in EVERYTHING!

Abide in Christ. It means abiding in His Word, and presence, through prayer and seeking Him above all things.

Walk closely with Jesus through the practicalities of every day. Living a God-first life has everything to do with a love relationship, and the intimacy of that relationship (Psalm 25:14). Intimacy with God flows into obedience.

Dwell in the house and presence of our Lord – gazing upon His beauty and inquiring in His temple (Psalm 27:4). Let’s look upon Him and inquiring about how to know and love Him more deeply. As we do this, all the important things fall into place. The lesser things fall away, and we walk in His power and strength.

Come to the well of living water. Let’s lay down all of our futile pursuits – the empty cisterns that do not fill us. It’s only God who can fills us to become springs of living water.


Heavenly Father, Your love and mercy, Your peace and kindness, Your strength and power surround us! Father we want to serve You alone, to honour and glorify You in all we do! We seek Your presence and will above all – we long to have a loving, intimate relationship with You. Father, help us to keep our focus on You and to lay down all the things that hinder our intimacy with You. Fill us with Your living water, to the point of overflowing, so that we can be a blessing to others. Father God, we declare today: You are first in our hearts and in our lives! We love, honour and glorify You!

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