Trusting in God’s Plan…
Jeremiah 17:7-8 (ESV): “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
Let us be determined this week to:
Trust in our Lord. God created the world, and He created each one of us. God has a specific plan and purpose for us and is faithful as we are His masterpiece. Through Christ, we can fulfil the good things He planned for us long ago (Ephesians 2:10). Let us walk confidently in the hope we have in our Heavenly Father, knowing that He will guide us with wisdom, insight, and strength – towards a deeper understanding of His calling for our lives. Knowing that God cares for us, may we cultivate a life of faith, obedience, love, trust, spiritual wisdom, and service to others by bearing fruit for His Kingdom. Let us remain in Jesus as our tree of life, and abide in Him. May the fruit we produce inspire others to know and experience our Lord and His love, grace, and blessings. May we continuously ask God to fill us with His living water. May our lives be like a tree planted at the streams of life with its roots firmly grounded – never dropping a leaf, but bearing fresh fruit in every season for the advancement of God’s plan and glory! When we feel unsure, or when we doubt God’s faithfulness, may we experience our Lord filling our hearts with His everlasting hope and invincible joy. We can stand firm, knowing that even in our imperfection, our unwise judgments, our unprincipled decisions; and in our unjust policies, anger, confusion and broken promises, we have a Good Shepherd who will always lead us to safety. May we trust God to search our hearts and show us anything that is not from Him. He will grant us wisdom and teach us how to protect our hearts, love and forgive, and how to stay focused on His will – for His glory!
Thank our Lord for His goodness and faithfulness. When we recognise that God is sovereign over all, we can stop relying on our own abilities and strengths, or on the help of others. Instead, we can allow God to work mightily through us. Let us trust Him with all our hearts, not just putting our hope in the things of this world, but in the One who has overcome the world – our King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the one in control of our lives, and He has amazing plans and a purpose for each of us. We can trust our Lord for His mercies – His loving kindness will never fail us!
Father God, I ask that You will give us spiritual wisdom and insight, so that we may grow in the knowledge of You. I pray that our hearts will be flooded with light so that we can understand the confident hope You have given us. As Your holy people, we have a rich and glorious inheritance. Help us to understand and live in Your incredible, great power. In Jesus’ name we pray this.
Our Father, I want to be a plant, a tree of life that is planted next to the stream so that I can bear fruit – more fruit – richer fruit and greater fruit for You. Let this happen for the expanding of Your Kingdom and for the glory of God, of Jesus Christ our Saviour and for the Holy Spirit. Help us Lord, to bear much more fruit. In Jesus’ name.
Heavenly Father, thank You for reassuring our troubled hearts. Where we may doubt or become despondent, thank You for lifting our spirits and reassuring us of Your goodness. I pray for the wisdom to pray Your will into fruition. Father, please strengthen us as we pray together and as we pray Your will into the world.
Lord, help us to understand that we are the gatekeepers of our lives. May we learn to walk out the divine balance of guarding our hearts vigilantly and entrusting ourselves wholly to You Lord. Give us the wisdom to guard our hearts against criticism and negative words. Give us discernment so we do not open our heart to wrong or detrimental things. Help us to wisely guard ourselves from our fears, our anxieties and the lies that we tend to believe about ourselves. May our hearts remain soft, open and completely led by You Lord. You are our safe place. You are utterly trustworthy and we can let our guards down and give You complete access to our hearts.
Heavenly Father, sometimes we get lost in the world around us, and we get focused on the wrong things. Please give us the wisdom to realise when we need to stop and reflect to draw near to You. Help us to never cease praying and trusting Your plan and timing. You know the heart and circumstances of each person listening to this message. Please bless them and guide them according to Your will. Open their eyes and their hearts to receive You. We pray all of this in Jesus’s mighty name. Amen.
(This WRAP is with great appreciation towards Liezel, Willem, Rianca, Bernice and Welmarie)
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