Pausing to say Thank You!
Ephesians 1:16 (ESV): I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.
Pause and say thank you!
Gratitude works both upwards and outwards. God blesses us with family, friends, colleagues, fellow believers and even strangers who show kindness and love toward us – in significant or minor ways. We should follow in Paul’s footsteps, and never fail to thank God for everything in our lives. We can thank Him every time we receive something, and we can bless those who are generous to us by praying for them and stopping to say ‘thank you’ (Thessalonians 1:2).
Gratitude requires us to look at every second spent on earth through a different lens – a lens of thanksgiving. Next time you feel depleted, lonely, under-valued, remember to say, ‘thank you,’ even if you don’t feel like doing so. Gratitude enhances mental strength, boosts immunity and sleep, increases empathy, decreases aggression, improves relationships and enhances self-esteem… and it also draws us closer to the heart of God.
This year, why don’t you commit to keeping a gratitude journal. Say ‘thank you’ for one thing every day, and reach out to at least one person to say ‘thank you.’ Could I challenge us to grow in gratitude this year?
Thank You, Lord, for Your many blessings and goodness in our lives. Thank You for family, friends and even strangers who bless us with kind words and deeds. Help us change our perspective to see beauty, kindness and love all around us. Teach us to be thankful in all circumstances and praise You for everything and everyone that You have placed in our lives. We give all praise and honour and thanks to You, Lord, for You are good and Your faithful love endures forever (Psalm 118:28-29). Amen.
(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Alison Hallett and Michelle Carroll)
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