The armor of God…


Ephesians 6:13-18 (NIV): “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”.


Let us be determined this week to:

Remain realistic, alert and sober-minded during tough or uncertain times. We can stand steadfast on our rock-solid foundation; and rest in God’s FAITHFULNESS, in His GOOD NATURE and in HIS WORD, which is filled with life-giving TRUTH. We can confidently leave our concerns and worries with Him as He fills us with HOPE. We can look towards our future, knowing that we are LOVED, that God’s GRACE AND MERCY is sufficient, and that the JOY of the Lord will strengthen us to share the HOPE we have in Christ.
Allow our Father God to clothe us with His amour and fill our hearts with His vision and will for our lives. May we develop a desire to NOT miss what God wants to do in and through us! May we spend dedicated time in GOD’S WORD and in PRAYER, always ready to hear when God speaks and see what He wants to show us… May we ask the Holy Spirit to direct our steps on the path He has set before us (Isaiah 30:21).
Learn from Jesus. May our heart’s desire be to be more and more like Jesus: moved by COMPASSION and demonstrating a SERVANT-HEART! Most of all, may we respond like Jesus – continuing to SERVE, continuing to LOVE, and continuing to PRAY for the Lord’s people. May we be prepared and full of faith in every season and at any time!


Heavenly Father, remind us today that our hope is not based on all these things in the world. Our hope is not based on something fleeting or something that could topple and fall by the wayside. Our hope is in the Rock of ages. Our hope is in a steadfast God, whose mercies are new each morning, whose love for us never comes to an end. Lord, when we feel depressed, when we feel we’re struggling, when we see the realities of the world around us – remind us of that.

Lord, thank You that You are the God of the universe, You are in control. Thank You Lord, that our hope and our joy and our peace is not naïve, it is real. Thank You for this gift. I just want to pray over everybody, that You will show them how You see them. And Lord, will You help us to live that, so that Your kingdom can go forward.

Lord Jesus, we thank and praise You for the gift of one another. May our brief sharing of thoughts and verses from your Holy Word, and our prayer time, be a spark that starts a ‘fire of desire’ in each of our hearts. Ignite us to spend more time personally in your Word, and in prayer every single day. Lord, may we ‘lean in’ to hear Your voice in private, so that when You ‘re-open’ Your World, we will hear it in public, and gladly obey. Lord, thank You for the truth of Your Word. Thank you for the hope and direction it brings to each of our lives. We love You Lord.

Lord Jesus, thank You so much that we can put all of our faith in You alone. We can be brave and take steps into the unknown because we trust Your character. We can trust our experience with You, because You have been faithful. Lord, I pray today that we would be able to take those steps that You require of us, and that we would surrender our hearts and fully trust You.

Heavenly Father, will You forgive us this day because we have sinned. Father, I have sinned: I have not lived up to Your standard and level of love. In these times the world is crying out for Jesus and crying out for love. Our hearts are sometimes hard, because we’ve given and we’ve served and possibly been rejected in that service. Thank You for washing our dirt off. Thank You for cleansing our hearts; and thank You for giving us a new chance this year. In 2021 we desire to love more, to serve more and to do more for Your glory and the establishment of Your kingdom here on earth. We love You Lord. Amen.


(This WRAP is with great appreciation to Heinz, Retha, Mary Lynn, Jackie, Viola)

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