W@W WRAP – Week 280

Standing firm in Jesus! – In today's world, we realise that a powerful battle is raging between the forces of good (our Lord's forces) and the army of evil (those of Satan). Ephesians 6 teaches us to clothe ourselves with the spiritual armour of God, so that we can stand firm and without fear in trying times. With the gift of salvation, we receive: power to persevere; strength to remain steadfast; a longing to pursue and trust God wholeheartedly; wisdom to discern between good and evil; and assurance of everlasting hope in and through Jesus. (Ephesians 6:10-20)

W@W WRAP – Week 2802022-05-13T21:39:52+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 279

Romans 8: The Solution is Living a Life on God's Terms – D.L. Moody, a well-known American evangelist in the 1800s, once said, "I'd rather live in the 8th chapter of Romans than in the Garden of Eden!" As we linger and meditate on the truths found in Romans 8, let us rejoice in Jesus Christ, knowing that He paid the ultimate price for our freedom from sin. Let us thank God for the beautiful and unique plans and purposes He has called us to, which will ultimately lead to His glory and our good. Let us trust God to help us live daily by the truth of His Word, knowing that in Jesus we will never be condemned but forever loved by Him. (Romans 8:1,28, 38-39)

W@W WRAP – Week 2792022-05-07T08:15:41+02:00
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